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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Couldn't have said words any better.... Deeply sorry for the loss of your special Sirocco
  2. sorry you are hurting missing your precious Riley. Always wanted to feel close to my Tess again in dreams while asleep. Sadly never have been able to...
  3. Hope his recovery goes from strength to strength.
  4. crazygang

    For Chip

    In rememberance of Chip
  5. crazygang


    Deeply sorry for your loss....you can see in his photo he was a sweet, beautiful boy
  6. Thank you for giving her a home knowing she had problems, and for being brave when the time came..... You are a very special person. Mylie knew that too I'm sure... Deeply sorry for your loss
  7. crazygang


    Holly you know in your heart Martin knew he was home........... He left this Earth knowing love and compassion
  8. crazygang


    So very sorry......there are people here that care and know firsthand what you are feeling. Talk when you feel you can. Take as much time as you need to grieve. Such tragic circumstances
  9. Deeply sorry for your loss Mandy was beautiful.....
  10. Our sincere deepest Sympathy......
  11. crazygang


    So very deeply sorry for your loss
  12. it's just not fair Deeply sorry......
  13. So deeply sorry your precious girl had to leave you.... Run Free Sassy
  14. Sir Snowy & gang stopping by....

  15. Wonderful tribute to your boy...... Everyone here understands your sorrow. Deepest Sympathy sorry for your loss. Run free Leopold
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