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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Remembering your boy Walter
  2. For Loca in rememberance... your in our thoughts today Robin.
  3. So deeply sorry for your loss. Run free Wembley......
  4. Hi there we live in England too. We travelled all the way down to Gloucestershire to adopt our greyhound. See you like history plenty of that in the UK.

  5. So sorry....such tragic circumstances..... Thank you. You've kept your promise to them both again this year.
  6. Tellington TTouch apparently helps behavioural problems as well as health issues. We are going down this route with Snowy at the moment. Hope this helps
  7. So very sorry....how devastating for you! Deepest Sympathy for the loss of Seany
  8. That picture of Rascal made me smile and weep at the same time.... So very sorry for your loss he looked such a character.
  9. So sorry she had to leave you so soon Thank you for giving her a loving home and dignity at the end...... Run free Maggie
  10. Sending you prayers for strength. So very sorry for your loss......
  11. So sorry for the loss of your special girl
  12. Goodness me! Hope Tania is feeling comfortable now after her ordeal.... Really scary situation. Well done with handling it.
  13. Beautiful tribute to your darling Riley......perfect and very befitting...
  14. Deepest Sympathy for the loss of your precious Star....
  15. So sad....sending our deepest sympathy to those that loved her
  16. Still absolutely numb with shock when I think about it! So sorry you lost your darling Jewel to such a tragic accident..... Karen, Stuart & gang
  17. So deeply sorry for your loss
  18. Deeply sorry for your loss....she was beautiful.......... Rest in peace sweetheart you are in good company, and you were well loved.
  19. Truly deeply sorry for the loss of your beautiful Kyshi........peace be with you
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