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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Checking in to see how the first night went for all of you.
  2. Don't question your decision. You've made it, you made if with love and Tristan looks wonderful. He looks happy to be home. He knows how loved he is. Hoping for a swift and non-eventful healing process for you all.
  3. Yes! Many many of us here have it. One thing though, most insurance companies do not cover existing conditions. But, it's been a lifesaver for me. My little Opal just blew out her lateral collateral ligament (hock) and she needed $4000 surgery. I haven't gotten paid yet, but the insurance should cover most of that. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease and hypertension when she was 6 and 7. We maxed out on yearly coverage several of the 7 yrs she was with me and had coverage. We definitely got our money back 10 fold. Then you have pups like my Emma and Tanzi. I'm paying about $800 / yr for both. Haven't needed it. But, all it takes is just ONE major surgery and it'll pay for itself many times over. You do need to research the insurance companies out there to decide what's best for you. I have VPI Major Medical. Others have loved TruPanion. ASPCA seems to have a decent one. Just search on insurance and you'll get lots of threads in this forum. Definitely read the past threads. I have 24PetWatch and have been very happy with them but I think I am the only person on GT who is insured through them. I have been with them since 2004 and they have always had a very fast response and payment rate.
  4. I second Robin's suggestion of upping his meds a bit. My heart is just breaking for you all.
  5. I am so very sorry. Run free, Kara.
  6. Just checking in for Nube updates. Hugs to you all. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. So happy to hear that you are getting cuddles.
  7. So very happy to hear Tristan came through so well. Such great news. Love all the photos, he is a gorgeous boy who clearly knows he is loved.
  8. So, so, so happy to hear the good news. It will be so great for all of you to have him at home where he belongs. We all understand the nervousness! Beds get moved to the floor, we sleep on the couch, the floor, whatever it takes. I have a really thick yoga mat that gets a lot of use when my girl is hurt/sick. Never say never. Even with a broken heart, you can surprise yourself. Congratulations on the new little one in your future!!
  9. You will find strength that you never knew you had. Keeping Tristan and you in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. My heart hurts for you, your husband and Tristan. That said, you have made your decision based on love, good advice, and your knowledge of Tristan and belief in his will to fight. Hold on to that. With love, you will only make the right decision. In the nicest possible way, ignore your friends if they have no first hand knowledge of this kind of situation. Of course they are only trying to help but only those of us who have been faced with this diganosis, in this breed of dog, can truly understand the things you are facing right now. Holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. Despite brushing, spraying, the stuff you put in the water, and quarterly non-anaesthetic cleanings, my girl just has lousy teeth. She had a cleaning on Saturday and Dali let me know that we need more extractions. One back lower molar is noticeably loose, and two more have pockets in the gums. I have called the dental surgeon. Am praying that this one doesn't cost me the nearly $4,000 the "Great Pull of 2010" cost me. She had 24 extractions at that one so this should be less. Dali used a swab thing at the start of the cleansing that is really soft, and disposable so I have ordered them. Found them on Amazon for a good cost. They are human, apparently for use with ill/injured people who can't brush. She sent me home with one so I have been using it twice daily and cleaning it after use. Aquitaine seems to tolerate it really well which is why I am willing to pay for yet another dental product. It seems like I have them all and she still has bad teeth.
  12. Aquitaine is much less interested in eating in this weather. I have switched to having her eat before we go out for our walks so she is still cool. I have also had to go back to sitting on the couch holding her bowl in order for her to eat, even then it is far slower than it was just 3 weeks ago. She does not enjoy summer.
  13. Great news. Standing up is a wonderful sign. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Perfectly said. As to the sling mentioned above, if you are anywhere near NYC I will give you the one I have on hand "just in case" if the meds work and you need help moving your boy. Give him time. Give the meds time. Give yourself time.
  15. I wish I could give you all a giant hug. Keeping Nube and his loving humans in my thoughts and prayers. So very glad I had the chance to meet him at Bluegrass.
  16. Keeping Jilly Bean in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update.
  17. My heart just hurts for you. As others have said, there is no good outcome to this disease. I will say that I am in the palliative camp. While I am in awe of those who have had such good outcomes with amputation, until the average increase in lifespan increases, it is not the right choice for me. I know that when it was confirmed that my girl did have osteo, I let my vet know right then when we would let her go. Then I concentrated on making every day as wonderful as I could for her. I do firmly believe that there is no "right" decision. Only the decision that is right for your hound and your family. I am holding Tristan, you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Too many of us have been there, you are definitely not alone. Tristan is such a gorgeous boy. Love him to pieces, make as many more memories as you can with your beautiful boy.
  19. I am so sorry to hear this. My actual response is far less ladylike. Kiss Nube for me.
  20. I am so sorry. Maya is beautiful. I will be holding her, and you, in my thoughts and prayers.
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