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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Isaac.
  2. I am so very sorry. Run free, pretty Emmy.
  3. I am so very sorry. As much as I know it hurt, it is so good for both of you that you were there. Billy knew. He knew you loved him so much. Godspeed, Billy.
  4. I am just sitting here in tears. Jilly Bean, you were loved by so many people you never had a chance to meet. I hope you meet my JR friend Flory who will teach you all about the joys to be found on your side of the bridge. Your family, fur and skin, will miss you so very much. Run free, Jilly Bean.
  5. I am so very sorry. Like everyone, I was following her story and hoping for the best. Run free, Pugsley.
  6. I was worried that would happen. They can be so hard to see. It took three sessions to remove them all from Aquitaine last year. I saw the final one the day after Christmas when it glinted as a bit of sun hit it while she was napping. I can tell you that there are online instructions as to how to do it, and a jewelry plier can be used but the thought of doing it alone was petrifying. I texted my vet on his vacation and he said to wait until he came home in a couple of days and he came up and took it out. She was not amused.
  7. Adding prayers and good thoughts for your girl. There is good support there in your area so don't hesitate to reach out to them.
  8. I am sorry you are not getting more/clearer answers. It is all so very subjective, and so difficult. Sending hugs and healing thoughts and prayers.
  9. Sending lots of healing thoughts and hugs to Jilly. You keep living life on your terms!
  10. I am so very sorry. Run free, Kia.
  11. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Watson.
  12. Sending healing thoughts and prayers for Max. That sounds ouchie and unpleasant.
  13. Don't flirt so much with the hot doc that he misses any staples. A couple were missed and Aquitaine had to go back. She did not like those staples!!!
  14. What was her mass? Blood clot. Imagine my horror as they were telling me I wanted there to be a softball sized blood clot inside my dog (pre-surgery). The other "good" option was a fatty tumor, that one, at least I understood. The morning the surgeon called to say "Benign" I was so happy I burst into tears and proposed to the poor man. Then I hung up and bawled my eyes out. It did note in her very detailed file that I should watch for PLN in her future which is why I was really watching her blood test this summer. We picked it up before any symptoms so were able to start treatment pretty early. I actually switched her over to a kidney diet and some of the suggested supplements immediately after the surgery figuring that it couldn't hurt. Kisses to Lucky!
  15. I have 24PetWatch and I have had only good experiences with them. They reimburse quickly, they are great to talk to on the phone. I fully expect that Aquitaine might age out this year as she is turning 10, and the CRF has been very pricey in just the 5 months since diagnosis, but my fingers are crossed that I am wrong. They even told me that they cover prescription food -- I had crossed it off a bill. I put in a claim last week and already received my call that the check is being processed and will be mailed within 48 hours. The price does go up each year as my girl ages but only by $2 per month so it is negligible. That said, it is still $49.50 per month (currently) so it isn't cheap but if I put away that amount each month, I would only cover the one claim I put in last week!
  16. I am so happy to hear this news. I was thinking last night that I really wanted for you to get the same call I got last year after Aquitaine had her spleen removed. A year later I am so very grateful that we got this past year. I may still be paying for the surgery but she is so very worth it. Lucky is truly lucky!!! So happy for you.
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