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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. As everyone has said, please don't beat up on yourself. Holding Luke and those who love him in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. yes, it is good luck. think how many people are sending Legs good luck wishes and prayers.
  3. I am so very sorry. I remember when Daytona came home with you. Run free, lovely girl. Find brother Bill and have a big party.
  4. I would definitely be concerned. There was a grey near me a few years ago who died because she was nipped on the nose by a mouse in the park (NYC places a lot of traps/poison in the parks -- and they do flag it so people know). The vets at Animal Medical Center did their best to save her but they couldn't. That poison is nothing to mess with. The city also lost several hawks last year because they ate mice who had been poisoned.
  5. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Jackson.
  6. I am so very sorry. Run fast and free, Buffy.
  7. I do know what you mean. I keep reminding myself that the only thing I need the drug to do is work. On the plus side, the swelling on her gum has gone down enough that I can see her teeth again. Not all the way down but that probably won't change until we get the Amlodipine out of her system. Thankfully, even though it never seems to do any good, she is used to having me in her mouth on a daily basis so she is good about letting me check in there.
  8. Aquitaine's was emergency surgery. Mass in her spleen the size of a softball. I took her in to the ER in the wee hours of a Monday and they kept her overnight as the getting in/out of cabs and on/off of her bed was deemed to be dangerous. She had high BP and some heart pitter patters so I didn't get her back until Thursday night. Once she got home, she did quite well. The only follow-up issue we had was staple removal. In truth, stitches would have been much the better choice. The staple removal was a process she did not enjoy at all!
  9. Good thoughts for Carly. Hopefully it was just a little owie.
  10. I am so very happy for you and Desi. Progress sounds great!
  11. No advice. Just lots of hugs and continued prayers and good thoughts.
  12. I remember that second picture so well. I can't believe it has been 4 years.
  13. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers. While I, too, go to the worst place with my thoughts for my dog. I am always optimistic about other people's dogs. Holding the best best thoughts for Ronon.
  14. Sending lots of hugs. You have been through so much this past couple of years. Zeke is lucky to have you. At this point, I think the simplest food that he will eat is probably the best. You have lots of good advice from the posters ahead of me.
  15. I am so happy to hear that Desi is coming home. I am another one who lives alone. I have the same worries with the exception that mine are getting downstairs and finding a willing cabdriver. Keeping Desi in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. Has anyone switched from Amlodipine to Hydralazine/Apresoline? This is the drug we are switching her to due to her gingival hyperplasia that they believe is a side effect from the Amlodipine. What I have found on line all seems to be from the 80's. All week I have been worried that since she is on what is supposed to the the best med for her issue, any other med will be "less good" and we may head downhill from here. Her last blood tests were really good so I the thought of going downhill is terrifying. I fear that there is a serious dental extraction surgery in her near future. Perhaps with no teeth, the gums won't swell?
  17. Freddy, stay strong and know how very many people love you and want you to get well.
  18. Checking in and sending lots of prayers and good thoughts.
  19. Keeping Target in my thoughts and prayers.
  20. Keeping you and Padfoot in my thoughts and prayers.
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