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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. This all sounds promising. Will keep Miles in my prayers.
  2. I am so very sorry that you are going through this. I know it nearly did me in when I went through it. Whatever the emotional cost to you, you will do the best for Coby. Know that we are all thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs.
  3. Sending prayers for your Miles, and for you.
  4. carronstar


    She's a little beauty. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers.
  6. I tend to agree with everyone else. I've had greys for 17 years now and there have been no issues. I had my first girl for 13 1/2 years and until the very last few months, she never made a mistake in the house. I got a walker for my second girl but that was mainly because she had severe SA at first and needed the human contact. She, too, died suddenly in front of me, and my walker/friend of what may have been an aneurysm (her father died that way) but my vet said it was status. It is heartbreaking and I'm sorry you had to see that. My third girl inherited the walker/friend but she easily goes 10 hours if something comes up. Go for it. Get yourself a grey love.
  7. I am so sorry. Cancer stinks (for lack of stronger language). Prayers for you all.
  8. Thanks for the update. Will keep sending good thoughts and prayers for Becky.
  9. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Miles and all of you.
  10. Are there programs out there to help with the withdrawal symptoms?????
  11. Sendings lots of good thoughts and prayers that Billy feels better soon.
  12. I'm so very sorry. A year and a half is far too short but I'm so happy that you at least had that time together.
  13. I watched the attacks on the news, and then like an idiot (or a particular type of NYC woman) I went to work in 4" heels anyway. I walked home in Dearfoam slippers. Those are some well made slippers! You used to be able to have a straight shot view from Columbus Circle straight downtown and you could see the towers. Then, they were gone. My cousin lived a block away. Her biggest fear in the world had always been planes falling from the sky. She was there having just dropped her two kids off at school. She grabbed them and another friends child and ran them all back to the "safe" line above Houston. I think of the fire stations within walking distance of my apartment, the one near me lost one firefighter; the station at Lincoln Center was virtually wiped out; the station on West 58th Street lost several; the station in mid-town that is the pride of Broadway was nearly wiped out. These stations are close enough that the time difference between them was 10-20 seconds. For weeks I could not cross Fifth Avenue to get to work without having to stop for the parades of firetrucks on their way to funerals at St. Patricks. Each one of those parades broke my heart. Tanks on Fifth Avenue definitely rank as a sight I never wanted to see. I grew up in California. I'm used to the occasional fighter jet flyover. I'm used to search helicopters and their very probing floodlights. I was not used to those things here in New York City. I volunteer with New York City Ballet. That year the Company gave a special performace of Nutcracker for the families of the responders and those families who had lost someone. The volunteers acted as ushers that night along with other jobs since the performance was a night when the Company did not usually dance. Nearly every single audience member thanked each of us. Nearly every single volunteer was in tears thanking them. I pray that our troops are safe but at the same time, I want them home, with their own families. Sorry for rambling.
  14. At times like this I really wish I believed in a higher power, so that I could see you again someday. You do believe in a higher power, Roo. You believe in the love you shared. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  16. No new dog will ever replace the one you have lost. The two times it has happened to me, I have let the head of the group I adopt from know that I would be ready to take the dog that she felt would be best placed with me. Each time I have felt that my girls have made the choices for me and sent me the dog that needed me the most, and that had lessons to teach me.
  17. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Trixie.
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