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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Claudia always gets it right. Many good thoughts and prayers for sweet Rainey.
  2. I am so very sorry. Run free, Rose. You were so very loved.
  3. I am so very sorry. Run free, Angel.
  4. Just seeing this now. Sending lots of prayers and good, healing thoughts for Ekko. Come on sweetie, there are so many rolls of tissue out there that you have yet to destroy!
  5. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Henry. Hoping it is just this wet, damp weather that is causing something to flare up for him.
  6. Andy Obstler Homecare Vet 917-747-3923 We are on the UWS. By the Museum of Natural History.
  7. Am happy to read this thread. Aquitaine had a blood draw yesterday as pre-testing for extractions in two weeks. This morning he called to say he saw some creatinine elevations that he wanted to double check. I am doing a pee catch in the morning. He knows greyhounds very well but I still sent him the article/information about the numbers anway. He completely reinforced the fact that he is not worried, that he just wants to check since we will be putting her under anaesthesia. We had a long talk about this yesterday. when he came over to draw the blood. I am a worrier about my girl.
  8. Whee! A broken leg! What a wonderful discovery. So happy that in this case the "C" stood for calcium.
  9. I agree about seeing the vet. If only for your own peace of mind. If you are in NYC and don't have a good vet, I can certainly give you the name of mine and he does homecare so there is no "ooh, I hate going to the vet" for your pup. In fact he was here this morning to draw blood for the tests for my girl's upcoming dental. She didn't even twitch. I hope your pup feels better soon!
  10. How very sad. Godspeed, Dodgem.
  11. No advice, just lots of good thoughts and prayers. Gentle cuddles for Sand.
  12. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Phantom. Really hoping it is a calcium build-up or something equally benign.
  13. Many good thoughts and prayers for an uneventful dental.
  14. Adding lots of good thoughts and prayers for your girlie.
  15. Adding lots of prayers and good thoughts for Vegas.
  16. I am so sorry to hear this diagnosis. No advice, my girl was far too old to do anything other than pain meds. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts.
  17. Adding prayers and gentle kisses for Rainey.
  18. Lots of good thoughts and prayers. Snuggles would be great for both of you.
  19. I just saw this. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Soft kisses to Ollie.
  20. With all heartfelt sincerity, please accept my wishes that you are, indeed, losing your mind. Anything else is unacceptable. Your boy is beautiful.
  21. Good girl, Neyla! You go to Dewey and just enjoy the party!!
  22. Excellent news!!! That picture of Darcy shows how very vexed she has been by the situation. Kissies to the pretty girl!
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