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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Just sending lots of hugs. So sorry you are going through this.
  2. Lots of good thoughts and prayers for Miss Bug.
  3. Sending lots of prayers for Rainey. It was so wonderful to meet her at Bluegrass.
  4. Many prayers and good thoughts for Rose.
  5. Sending lots of good thoughts. Your concerns are so completely understood. Aquitaine is having extractions done next month by the only board certified dental surgeon in NYC. He is who my own vet wants me to see. I asked my vet to do it and he refused. He said that as good as he is with greys, he doesn't feel secure enough to do the dental (and he probably doesn't want to see me hysterical if anything goes wrong!). I have already had a long talk with the surgeon and feel good about him. As an added bonus, the new head of the center will also be the anaesthesiologist and he is from Ohio State and has worked with Dr. Couto. I can't figure out any way this could be a better situation. One thing that the surgeon said that did help me calm down was that I had less cause for concern about her being a bleeder since she made it through her initial dental and spay with no problems. She has also had both an accident and an attack in the past 12 months and had to have Propofol for the clean up surgery following the attack. He was fine about having Amicar on hand. He also mentioned a drug to bring her temperature down if it should spike once she is home (forget the name...anyone know what it is? Begins with a "D".). My own vet will do the pre-surgery bloodwork and start her on anti-biotics if he thinks she needs them. Thanks, EllenEveBaz for posting the great information.
  6. Adding lots of good thoughts and prayers for Miss Elsie Lou.
  7. Trying to figure out where to order/hire nubile young studs who will stand by and hand feed yummy bits to Diva Darcy! So very happy to hear that she is home where she belongs.
  8. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for you and your girl.
  9. Darcy is a survivor. She is going to defy the odds. Sending lots of prayers and hugs for her and for you.
  10. Adding lots more prayers and good thoughts for Darcy. She's a real hero to me.
  11. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for a benign dx for Ruger.
  12. I am so very sorry. He sounds like a wonderful man.
  13. I hope, with all my heart, that your bad feeling is wrong. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for lovely Darcy.
  14. Lots of prayers and good thoughts headed your way.
  15. Adding more good thoughts and prayers for you and your boy.
  16. I am so sorry. Run free, Rivie.
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