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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Now that you have a real diagnosis you can find your way. From what I have read about pemphigus, it is a very controllable disease. Apparently there are food concerns with it and raw feeding seems to be one thought...in that case, Robin seems to be fine with the idea of a raw steak! Robin is lucky to have you as his mom.
  2. Many, many prayers and good thoughts for Roger. If you need anything, let us know.
  3. carronstar


    Talca, run with the wind sweetie. You were loved by so many and made the world a much, much better place. Find Sari.
  4. I have to agree that the noises are what is getting to him. His sense of hearing is also more acute than ours is. My last girl Morgaine had a complete "eat through the wall, the kitchen counter, part of the bookcase and the case clock hanging 5' up on the wall" meltdown for a week a few years ago when a neighbor was knocking two apartments together. I didn't know that the construction work was being done but I knew she had a complete meltdown for a reason. I stayed home the following Monday to see if there were any new or unusual noises that were upsetting her, that is how I learned about the noise. It was bad enough to really bother me so it was clear why she was so upset. Unfortunately, the work had to go on so I got her a much better dog walker immediately (the one she had wasn't keeping her out more than 10 minutes even though I paid for more) who worked with her to be sure she was calm before she left her alone, and I invested in a DAP plug-in. The combination of the two worked wonders for her. I hope your boy feels better soon.
  5. So happy to hear that she is well and at home. Now comes the fun part ... plumping up!
  6. Sending prayers and good thoughts for a benign outcome.
  7. I am so very sorry for you and your family and your loss. Spike, Godspeed sweet boy.
  8. Poor sweetie. Adding more prayers and good thoughts for Dazie.
  9. I've never even heard of stump pyometra, it sounds nasty. Many prayers for a smooth surgery and uneventful recovery.
  10. No advice, just lots of good thoughts and prayers for Legs.
  11. Adding more prayers and good thoughts for Robin and for strength for you.
  12. Adding lots of prayers and good thoughts for Manny and for you.
  13. Oh, I remember when you lost your precious Timber. Run free sweet girl.
  14. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Romi.
  15. I am so very sorry. The gift of looking into your eyes was so loving. Godspeed Frost. There is a world class welcoming committee for you.
  16. I am so sorry. Run free, Fuzzy.
  17. Darcy, you are truly a miracle pup. Such great news.
  18. No clues or advice, just lots of good thoughts and prayers for you all.
  19. I am so sorry. Godspeed, Andy.
  20. I am so sorry. Run free, Gladys.
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