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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Can't type through tears. There are some that just sneak into your heart, grab hold and won't let go. Bijou is one. Claudia is right.............there just aren't words. We know you will do what is best for her as all good Daddy's do. Lean on GT. We will be praying for both of you.
  2. I am so sorry! This just sucks. Please know that a constant stream of prayers will be heading your way 24/7. Please give him an extra piece of strawberries and shortcake from me and the girls.
  3. Thinking of you and Merlin this morning. Sending hugs of comfort to you and prayers for an uneventful dental and a clean pathology report for the Wizard. Once a nervous Mom, always a nervous Mom. Don't think you have to carry this all alone - all of GT is surrounding you with love and support. Please update all of us nervous Mom's when you can, ok?
  4. You'll know what to do with it when the time is right.
  5. duncan41


    So young, too young. She will be missed. I am so very sorry for your loss!
  6. You certainly came to the right place to learn about seizures! Hope Larry reaches a dosage that will make him more comfortable.
  7. Sending comforting hugs and calming prayers for an easy dental. It will all be over before you know it.
  8. Beau, honey, you do knot want to start any more threads with more health related "issues". Hugs, smooches and scritches so this will be much better in the morning!
  9. Hoping and praying that you find that magic pill. Sending prayers for your girl.
  10. Just checking - out from under my rock. Poor Rainey! Don't beat yourself up over this. A long time ago, in a land far, far away there lived a couple of German Wirehaired Pointers who demolished a sofa while we were eating dinner not 20 feet away! It happens. As long as Rainey is ok - that's the important thing! This, too, shall pass. I hope! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery!
  11. M-O-R-E good news???!!! This is wonderful! I hope this good news is the beginning of something significant in treating our beloved hounds! Thanks Sutra for showing us the way.
  12. Whoo-hoo! That's the best news I've had in a long time! Way to go, Neyla!
  13. duncan41


    I am so sorry! Roy, you and Gracie have a big job to do in watching over your Mom. Send her a sign and let your stars shine brightly in her eyes.
  14. We have all appendages crossed and will be praying that all goes well for Power. I know, it's scary anytime, but especially the older ones. We will be here awaiting news.
  15. I am so sorry. He was way too young to leave. Run like the wind, Andy!
  16. I use De Flea Shampoo but that's because we're in FL. In researching shampoos for my itchy girl, there are two or three allergy- type shampoos that can be used daily if necessary. It's important to look at the descriptions of shampoos (use a search engine for "dog shampoo") and read and read and pretty soon you will catch on to the lingo and you will be able to pick out one that should work for you. I would go with rinsing whenever possible and maybe use a very, very dilute shampoo once a week or so, just enough to break the surface tension of any residual soil so it will rinse off. And remember, just when you think you have rinsed enough, do it again. Good luck.
  17. Been there, done that (twice) and now my three hate other dogs. So sad. Praying that Fast recovers physically and emotionally. As far as Angel is concerned, she's my kinda gal; kick butt and take names. You go girl!
  18. Beautiful Oslo! I am so sorry for your loss.
  19. Hope Ave is doing well. Skip the ice cream treats and proceed directly with ice cream therapy! That boy deserves the whole creamery! Praying for a full and uneventful recovery as well a clear pathology reports!
  20. Whoo-hoo! So glad that Charlie is feeling better! What a puzzlement THAT whole thing was! Inquiring minds STILL want to know what were those seeds???!!! Hope Charlie keeps improving and this will all be just a bad memory in a few months!
  21. I am so sorry that your introduction to the wonderful world of GT is under these circumstances! You will have much support and advice. The only advice I can offer is what others have said many times - talk to your Vet now about pain management. It is crucial to stay ahead of the pain. There are many meds and med combos that can be considered but you will have to see what works best for your boy. I hate this disease with a passion and wish with all my heart that you have many more good days with him. Don't hesitate to ask for help or support. Remember, he lives in the moment and has no clue about his future for which you are already grieving. Spoil him rotten and make each day a gift. He's just way too young!
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