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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. May your fond memories of Shane begin to heal your broken heart. Lovely tribute - handsome fella. Run free, Shane! I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. duncan41


    It has been a year? Wow. Like so many, I remember that kick to the gut when I read of his untimely passing. Jed, you're still missed, big guy. Gone too soon. Godspeed.
  3. duncan41


    I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Mick.
  4. Ah, yes, this is very true as many GTers will agree, when a favorite food of many changed the "source" of some ingredients. The formula was exactly the same, but when the source changed, it wreaked all sorts of havoc with many, many dogs! Having an itchy dog myself, it's very tempting to try everything at one time in an attempt to give them some relief! A muzzle with a stool cup may be a temporary fix for keeping Arrisa from chewing/biting herself raw - if only when you are away from home. Sure hope you get some answers! Hope Arrisa feel better soon!
  5. Hey sounds like a reason to celebrate with cheeseburgers for everyone! I hear Mickey Ds is "giving away" Smoothies, too! Sounds good, huh? Flash - meet you there! My treat!
  6. Wonderful report! Here's hoping for fast healing and no more zoomies in the house!
  7. duncan41

    Luna (Menthos)

    Your tribute oozes the love you had for Luna and she for you. What a huge heart she had! I am so sorry she had to leave. May your memories help to heal your heart.
  8. for baby food and Flash! It's ok, big guy! Eat anything your heart desires and your tummy will tolerate.
  9. She's gorgeous! Hope the extra bit of food helps - no more seizures!
  10. So glad that Flash is home! I'm sure once all the drugs get out of his system, he will feel well enough to start trying a little food. Maybe a Pepcid would help, just in case he's a little queasy? If he won't eat, is he at least drinking a little? I'm sure he was on an IV and was well hydrated during/after surgery. Praying that he perks up soon!
  11. Praying and chanting - B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9! Hope Mercedes continues to heal quickly.
  12. Hope Jupiter is feeling better! As far as pills are concerned, Pill Pockets always work for us. I give them as "treats" every once in a while so that when it comes to really having to administer pills, everyone is ready for a "treat". Works every time. I read somewhere that regardless of what you use to disguise the pill, do not handle it with your fingers - use tweezers. Supposedly the miniscule transfer of residue from the pill to your fingers to the food is enough to make a dog's ultra sensitive nose to reject it, especially when their tummy is upset.
  13. Thank you Energy for showing your Momma the way to happiness.
  14. Thinking of you and Charlie all day and praying for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Hugs to all.
  15. I am also reeling from the numbers of "C" diagnosis posted recently. When Dr. Couto spoke at Sandy Paws in 2008, he projected that 2 of 3 racing greyhounds (not show dogs) will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. That was two years ago, so I am not sure if that stat has changed. Dr. Couto's GH&W program not only benefits our beloved hounds, but crosses over to the human side - he works closely with the OSU Medical School. Makes me wish I had millions to donate to his program. Just think what a $10.00 dollar donation from every registered GTer would do!
  16. I am so very sorry. I hope that much time passes with many good times still to be had by all. You aren't alone - many hearts hurt with you and for you. Update us when you feel like it. In the meantime, sending prayers and hugs of comfort.
  17. Oh I just love it when there's a chorus of prayers for good poop! Hooray for good poop! Hoping for more good poop!
  18. GOOD FOR YOU AND BIJOU! Will pray for many, many more good days!
  19. Oh, no. Not another one! I am so very, very sorry! Will be sending positive thoughts, hugs and many prayers to you and Anubis.
  20. Oh, nnnooooo! This cannot be happening! Kyle, all of GT will be chiming in as soon as they read this with powerful prayers going out to you, DW and of course Charlie. We will stand with you during the battle to come.
  21. SSSOOO very happy, happy, happy at the good news about The Wizard. Big hugs and kisses all around! Not to worry about the Creatinine - 2.6 is "normal" around here with a normal BUN, of course. Keeping all fingers, toes, eyes, paws and legs crossed until the pathology report comes back and chanting B9B9B9B9B9! How is the handsome Merlin doing today?
  22. I am so sorry that you have been dealt this horrible blow. Will pray very, very hard for Flashy Man regardless of the outcome. Please let us know how he's doing!
  23. That's wonderful news! I'd take a mystery dx over just about everything else any day! Will pray for speedy resolution of the liquid poops and the funny movement. Hopefully he will be back to normal soon!
  24. Sending prayers for Mittens, you and your former Vet. How sad for everyone involved. Will continue to pray for many more good days for Mittens. Spoil your sweetie pie rotten! I pray that the new meds give you more time. Even more, I pray that the Vet who did the surgery is wrong.
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