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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Oh, my! He's a hunk! I'm sure Ady Bea is going to be smitten! Just look at those eyes! Swoon! And yes, I would go with NCSU for the blood test.
  2. Hooray for B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9! Hope he's back to normal soon!
  3. Here's some basic information found during a random search: Glomerulonephritis is a lot more common than amyloidosis. Glomerulonephritis is inflammation of the glomeruli (the filtering structures of the kidney). It can occur secondary to many other illnesses, including many disease organisms (leptospirosis, Lyme disease, heartworms, brucellosis, hepatitis), cancer, pancreatitis, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, hyperadrenocorticism and systemic lupus erythematosus and other immune mediated diseases. It can also occur as a primary, or idiopathic, illness. Sometimes finding and controlling the underlying problem can arrest the degenerative process and stop the progression of kidney failure. More often, once this problem starts it is slowly progressive over time. There are treatments that can help with glomerulonephritis. As mentioned above, an effort should be made to find and treat any contributing condition. To help prevent protein loss and control high blood pressure associated with kidney failure, enalapril or other acetylcholinesterase (ACE) inhibitors may be helpful. The usual dosage of enalapril for this condition is 0.25 go 0.5mg/kg once or twice a day. Aspirin may help to prevent blood clotting that sometimes occurs due to glomerulonephritis. The dosage for aspirin therapy for this purpose is usually lower than for other conditions. A dosage for aspirin of 0.5 to 5mg/kg is enough to inhibit blood clotting. A low sodium, low total protein but very high quality protein diet, such as Purina NF or Hills k/d is helpful. Encouraging fluid intake is helpful. If the serum albumin level drops low enough to cause fluid accumulation in the abdomen it may be necessary to give diuretics. Calcitriol is more likely to provide a benefit in a patient with glomerulonephritis since this tends to be a more slowly progressing disease. I would HIGHLY recommend contacting Dr. Rebecca Remillard at Angell Animal Medical Center, Boston, MA. She is absolutely top notch in canine nutrition and does telephone consultations. You must send her a complete history and test results in order for her to map out a diet specific to your needs. As an aside to this whole discussion, I would cast my vote as a NO to a kidney biopsy. Having had one with ARF, even the internist treating my girl said that a he would only recommend a biopsy every other possible treatment had failed. Not something you want to do without a great deal of thought.
  4. Oh no. Not Patton! I am so very, very sorry. No words, just hugs of comfort.
  5. Please convey my heartfelt condolences to Khan's family.
  6. Thank you for putting in all the time and effort it took to post these videos. The service was beautiful and moved me to tears. Thank you to all involved in this rescue. Angels walk among us.
  7. I am so sorry for your loss. He was such a handsome boy.
  8. What a gorgeous girl! You were both fortunate to have so many years together, even though I am sure it still wasn't enough. She will be waiting for you.
  9. ...............and vacuum every day for a minimum of 21 days. Some here in FL have found that Frontline is no longer working. Don't know why. My Vet has heard it from so many of her clients that she believes it now. I use De Flea Shampoo once a month, Advantage after they are completely dry from bathing and mist lightly with Adams before our evening walk. I live in an area with a closed canal so it's a mosquito breeding ground so the Adams helps with both. I vacuum A LOT and change bedding at least once a week. It's a battle...................
  10. duncan41


    What a beautiful girl, both inside and out. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. Oh, wow. Never have anything like that happen here, but will be praying for Spunki's quick recovery. He's sssooo cute!
  12. LET THE HEALING BEGIN! I'm sure he's as relieved to be home as you are to have him there! So glad that he's doing so well! Break out the cookies and ice cream - that boy deserves more than a few treats!
  13. Good news, bad news, so-so news. Still extremely happy it's not the big "O". Will pray that this is the beginning and this flare up with be the worst of it.
  14. Run like the wind, Sweet Ruby. You will be missed. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. Please convey my condolences to Patricia. Godspeed, Misty.
  16. He will always be with you when you walk to the kennel. What a darling, sweet boy! I am so very sorry that he had to leave so soon. Godspeed, Rocky.
  17. Vinny, honey, you just get better, ok? Everyone is very worried about you! Will keep saying prayers for healing for comfort.
  18. I couldn't go to bed without knowing.............................and now I know, but I don't! Doesn't matter as long as it's knot the big O! Hooray! Jubiliant hugs and kisses all around!
  19. duncan41


    Jen, I don't know how you do it. Your tribute to Apollo is more than touching in view of all that you two went through in such a short time and what you have experienced lately. Apollo knew you loved him unconditionally because he showed you that special side of his personality. Thank you for sharing him with us. Godspeed Apollo.
  20. I am so sorry that Valor had to leave. Godspeed sweet boy.
  21. Thank Dog! Bandit has been on my mind all day today! So glad to hear he's doing so well!
  22. I am so sorry about Silk Kitteh. Godspeed.
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