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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and Sirocco.
  2. Unless he's underweight, I would just let him be and give him lots of broth and then introduce solids in the broth. Protect his stomach with Pepcid - no point in making him feel any worse than he already does by adding an upset tummy caused by the meds! Hope he rebounds quickly! p.s. Mom's meatballs always work for me!
  3. A hundred years ago when I was a wee little girl with no money, a kindly vet suggested tea bags to calm itchy skin. Just steep, cool and apply to itchy area - you have to hold it on the area for as long as possible. This time of year is murder on the kids that have the "itchies". I have one who is constantly biting, chewing or scratching. Here in FL I still "assume" fleas so I bathe with De Flea Shampoo (it's a stool softener base) and treat with Advantage monthly and mist ever-so-lightly with Adams before our nightly walks. This is the third year using that protocol and it''s working so far. Once a bug magnet, always a bug magnet, but she's much more comfortable.
  4. Sending prayers and hugs for a good outcome today. Please let us know how she's doing.
  5. Great report! Sure hope the baby steps toward remission continue!
  6. What an inspiring story! I hope everyone who reads it remembers that second opinions can be very valuable and when Dr. Couto is that second, well, it just doesn't get much better than that. Hopefully those who haven't already made a donation to the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program will do so in order for the program to continue. All privately funded programs are facing grave economic challenges. I pray that our hounds don't suffer as a result. Rizzo always brings a smile to my face and Ave needs a million nose kisses! I'm willing to give him the first one hundred thousand!
  7. We will be here for you Kyle. Please update when you can.
  8. All appendages crossed here! Sending healing prayers and hugs of comfort to everyone! Please let us know how Morty is doing!
  9. Each day is a blessing. Hoping for many more good days than bad.
  10. Wow! This thread reads llike a mystery novel! What an experience! I am happy that your girl is on the mend after everything that she (and YOU) have been through this past year. I pray that she had many more greyt days with you.
  11. Prayers for a quick procedure and an equally fast recovery.
  12. duncan41


    Beautiful girl with a wonderful voice! Godspeed Sandy! You hit the jackpot in your forever home! I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. Isn't amazing how many perfect dogs find their way to their forever homes as the first/heart dog? He sounds like a jewel. I am so sorry he had to leave, but what an inspiration, right to the end! Godspeed, Perry.
  14. It's like the good, the bad and the ugly. But I'll concentrate on the good with a thank goodness it wasn't an obstruction! Wonder why the Vet didn't try to gently coax the dislocated segment back into place? Could it pop back into place on its own? Will continue to pray for everything to come out in the end. Sorry. Another failed attempt at humor. Poor Hurley. Can't imagine the pain while "assuming the position"! Hope you feel better big guy!
  15. We had a few here last night, many more tonight. Can't WAIT for tomorrow night! Thank doG for our hurricane proof windows! The silence is golden!
  16. I hope by this time you have a better idea of what could have happened to cause those symptoms. If you have a Drama Queen like my Fuzz, everything is quite, well, over-the top. If she's still exhibiting symptoms, I would get in some really good light out side or use a flashlight and magnifying glass inside and examine the area for any redness or evidence of bite marks. If you don't see anything and she's still shaking, the symptoms may need to be checked out by a Vet. I know.............holiday weekend..............why does it have to happen on a holiday weekend? Here's a link to an E-Vet near you. http://www.nives24h.com/ or West Central Ohio Veterinary Emergency Service 2727 Saint Johns Road, Lima, OH 45804-4028(419) 221-0269‎. Hope that helps. Please let us know how she's doing.
  17. FWIW: dead tape worm looks like rice and the live tape worms that I have seen are flat, white and approximately 1/2 to 3/4" long.
  18. No experience with any of my hounds, but having more allergies than you can shake a stick at, I would re-examine all possibilities. Yes, something sprayed in a neighboring yard could have caused the problem. Do you take Chase for walks? Have you been to any events, M&Gs, Vet's office (immediately preceding the outbreak)? Changed washing detergents? Cleaning agents in the house? Any changes in her water? Food? Treats? Toys? Bedding? Food bowls? Shampoo? Flea treatment? Doing any remodeling in or outside of your home? Paint? Wallpaper? Trees, shrubs, flowers, ground cover? What I'm getting at is examining EVERYTHING as if she had been kept in a theoretical sterile bubble. I know this is a repeat of Claudia's suggestions.................................. I pray that you get some answers soon!
  19. No personal experience, but you came to the right place! Welcome to GT but I'm sorry it has to be under these circumstances. One question: Is your Vet "Greyhound savvy"? I will be sending prayers of comfort and healing white light to Charlie and hugs to you. Hang in there and don't be afraid to ask a million questions - we all want to help our hounds, no matter what the problem because they sssooo deserve it!
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