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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Oh, that was much better than I dared hope! But, I would do a FNA as soon as possible. Sending prayers of healing and hugs of comfort.
  2. Praying, praying, praying!! Hugs, white light and powerful healing thoughts are all around Wendy.
  3. Dude! All of GT checked in and are praying for you! You gotta get better, buddy! We need you here!
  4. My Anna is 10.5 and is bald as a cue ball and has been right from the track. Her former owners had her thyroid tested, had her on thyroid medication for a while with no improvement. (Bald thigh/butt syndrome is not related to thyroid.) My Suze had bald thighs when she and her sister Fuzz adopted us and most of it grew back. During the summer (9 months of the year here is FL), her thigh hair will thin out and she will develop a narrow bald strip down the back of the thigh. During the winter, it fills in. I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. Gaining weight - check. Eating - check peeing - check pooping - check testing negative - check cuddling - check claiming a couch - check Yep, she's all greyhound and almost ready for her forever home. Chase - Lindsay -
  6. Yay, Chase! You go, girl! Still praying for that sweet girl!
  7. Still praying for a clear biopsy and a quick recovery. Hugs to everyone and prayers with healing white light going out to Princess.
  8. If he's just peeing, I agree with others that it's probably from the IV fluids he was given during the procedure, which is a good thing. If the "soft food" he is being fed is of the canned variety, remember that canned food is loaded with "moisture" which will add to his hydration level. If you don't think there has been enough of an improvement by tomorrow, I would give the Vet a call. I agree with others about protecting his tummy while on the antibiotics.
  9. Oh, I knew I shouldn't read this at work! Kim, you know that there are a ton of prayers going out for you, Callie and Herman today and I'm sending mine in boatloads. Please try and rest in order to gather your strength. Callie is going to need to feed off of your positive outlook. She needs to know that she can count on you to be her rock. :grouphug
  10. Oh, that's wonderful news! Will keep praying non-stop for continued and uneventful recovery. Jane, I missed this post and wanted to convey my thanks for "being there" for so many. You have definitely earned your wings. I am keeping all appendages crossed for a good check up for Joey.
  11. Kim, I am so sorry this is happening to Callie! I pray that you get some better news at the U of MO Vet Hospital. If there is any question about her treatment, I'm sure you can ask that they confer with OSU, just for your peace of mind. In the meantime, I will be praying for all of you!
  12. Attention all "Southerners": SNOW IS NOT "PRETTY" UNLESS YOU ARE WATCHING IT ON TELEVISION! Just ask Dee! The "what if" factor makes it so hard to cope. Now if every state was required to have snow removal equipment to handle 18" of snow, it would be a different story. Not fun being stranded in an emergency. Ok, enough of that rant. So glad to hear that Goldie is showing such specific improvement! Thank goodness she has you for her Mom! You fought so hard to make sure that every last possibility was explored. And, I'm right there with you on the medical profession, be it human or canine. My "education" started on July 5, 1972. Long story, but suffice it to say that it wasn't pretty. Wish I could be there to give all of you a great big hug, so this will have to do. :grouphug
  13. Thank you, Lindsay, for all you do! Kisses to Chase and prayers for continued recovery.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathies. As others have testified, I too, had to make a similar decision for my 8 year old Nikki only 8-1/2 months after she adopted us. I am so grateful for having had that time with her. She was the perfect first dogGreyhound anyone could have hoped for. You can rest assured that your boy is running pain free, young and healthy at the bridge. :grouphug
  15. That really is good news. Hopefully with a little luck and lots of time, you will see improvement. If you're fortunate enough to get a diagnosis, that will be even better! Having dealt with a mystery limp in one of mine, I know how scary and frustrating it can be. Sending comforting prayers and healing white light.
  16. Anna is 10-1/2 and I have noticed lately that it is taking her longer to get up, and when she does get up, she stretches multiple times and longer than ever. She moans while stretching, but I think it's more of an "oh that feels better" moan than anything else. Just like your girl, once Anna has stretched and walked around a little bit, she's raring to go! Welcome to GT! I hope that others with seniors will chime in with their experiences. Oh and it wouldn't hurt to try another Vet, if nothing else, for a consultation if you feel it's warranted after getting more responses to your inquiry.
  17. Prayers for uneventful healing. Beautiful Mafi just be feeling so much better without that yucky tail! Oh, that had to hurt! I'm sure extra scritches, belly rubs and treats will speed the healing, too! Will be chanting "B9" until you receive the results of the biopsy.
  18. Baby steps........praying for baby steps toward a full night's sleep. So glad she's feeling better! You have got to be thrilled!
  19. Sending heartfelt prayers and healing white light. Will be anxiously awaiting word. :grouphug
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