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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I don't know which is worse; watching or waiting. Regardless, I am sure the power of GT will continue building a wall of support around you and Jacey. Sending powerful prayers.
  2. "been out and went potty, had alittle to drink and 1 chicken breast and a small chew" - ALL GOOD THINGS! Keep up the good work!
  3. I pm'd you. Your incredible strength and the infusion of GT power has brought us all to this moment. I'm still all about baby steps - moving forward, of course. Lazer
  4. Thank goodness for a dx, but after 9 visits in a year, I would be looking for another Vet. Sending hugs of comfort and healing white light!
  5. Lorinda, sending cyber hugs to you and Lazer. I'm trying to type this at work without a net - my heart is breaking for you. I am praying that angels keep you and Lazer wrapped in wings of comfort and peace. :grouphug
  6. I am so sorry! Damned cancer. Godspeed, Nikki!
  7. Thanks for the update. Sending hugs of comfort to you and healing white light to Nikki.
  8. ABSOLUTELY NOT! There is not much in this world that I wouldn't give up for my own dogs, so you go right ahead and ask, pray for or be gutsy like me and demand a miracle! Care to join me??? :grouphug :grouphug
  9. Oh I am so sorry! Sending prayers faster than the speed of light to your girl! Please update when you can!
  10. Florida has been extremely horrible this year with fleas and mosquitoes. Having 4 cats - three of whom have access to a screened in porch and pool enclosure, it has been a battle since April 1. Last month I tried Advantage II for the first time and I love it! The effects seem to be lasting the entire 30 days, too, where the regular Advantage and Frontline Plus seemed to be effective for a couple of weeks. No reactions, no other issues. Even though the yard is sprayed with Adams and I vacuum the house and dog beds daily, I know I am just winning small skirmishes - not even close to winning the war because the hounds are walked through the neighborhood four times a day and the cats are on the porches for many hours at a time. Not sure about the bathing issue, but I was told by my Vet that the cautionary instructions about application after bathing are more to insure that the animal is completely DRY before application?? That may have had more to do with Advantage since it is not waterproof like Frontline is. Will have to check out Revolution!
  11. Whoo-hoo! Wonderful news and welcome to GT! I am so sorry you had this crummy experience with the Vets involved with this fiasco! A Vet with an attitude can be hazardous to a Greyhounds health! I know.........................one almost killed one of mine! Hope things continue to look up for you!
  12. Welcome to GT! You certainly have come to the right place! I have had Greyhounds for only 6 years, so I am still learning, but there are so many people with so much more experience on this board who willingly share their knowledge and support. GT is like the encyclopedia of all things Greyhound! Certainly have to bow to the voices of experience. My first Greyhound was a "return" so I got to skip all the hard work and by the time it came time to adopt again (2 year old litter sisters right off the track), I had heard or read about what others have already shared. Even then, holy cow! What a learning curve! Kathleen Gilley's writings are like a national treasure; to be honored and revered forever more. (Thanks for posting the article, Beverly!) Please read them over and over until you get a clear idea of your unrealistic expectations! Yes, there are some wash-and-wear dogs that just walk in the door and "get it" right away, but I think that scenario probably happens more to experienced adopters due to their automatic and appropriate actions. If you want that floppy eared, silly, ready to fetch a stick anytime/anywhere type of dog, then do Gordon a favor and return him now. If you want to have the pleasure of watching Gordon develop into a dog that you will come to realize you love more than anything else, put yourself in Gordon't place, have a talk with your SO until you BOTH understand what's really going on in Gordon's head and come to an agreement on how to act/react from now on. Regardless of your decision, go with your gut. You may just have the "wrong" Greyhound! Don't hesitate to chime back in if you have any questions. We want your experience to be positive. Good luck!
  13. "Sorry" just doesn't do it for me at times like this. So many prayers by so many people, but there was another plan. 5 is just too d*mned young to leave and you're right - 20 years wouldn't be enough, either! I read your update this morning and just couldn't answer - too many tears and couldn't see the screen. Lorinda, my heart is breaking for you and DH. Wish he could "fix it", but then, that's a guy thing. Please don't beat yourself up for doing CPR! Don't question the big picture - just do what you know needs to be done - make Lazer's last few hours the best possible. He came to you for a reason and he's leaving like this for a reason. I certainly don't know why; I just don't have a better explanation. I'm here if you need me. I will be holding you, DH and of course Lazer gently in my prayers and in my heart.
  14. Holding my breath and crossing everything for positive news.
  15. I am so sorry that you received this diagnosis. Having lost my first greyt dog to lymphosarcoma, I can sympathize with how your world has been turned upside down. I know it's hard, but try to stay in the moment with Gigi because that's what she does. She doesn't know how sick she is and she wants everything to be just as it has always been. Wish I had known that 5 years ago. Sending prayers and hugs.
  16. Ugh. Fever. Thank goodness for your DVM and antibiotics! Praying that the next 24 will again see small improvements - this is just a holding patters - no backward steps allowed! To Lazer - honey, please eat! You have so many people praying for you. We know you probably feel really, really crumby, but just eat a little at a time. What sounds good? Mickey D's? A Whopper? KFC? Satin Balls? Tuna? PB sandwich? Grilled cheese? Tripe? Stinky fishes? If I were closer, I would volunteer to be your meals-on-wheels. Lorinda, take care of yourself so you can take care of Lazer. Hugs, prayers and healing white light. Baby steps.
  17. Beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl. I am so sorry she had to leave you - too soon. You were lucky to have found each other.
  18. Oh................no. My heart is breaking for you as is all of GT. Frank was such a force of nature here on GT - he will be sorely missed. I am so very, very sorry. :grouphug
  19. Absolutely! Sending prayers and hugs and thinking positive thoughts for small improvements.
  20. Lorinda, this was my first "stop" this evening. Hoping that the power of GT has given Lazer some comfort overnight. I re-read this thread and am amazed at your actions after you heard the GSOD. How are you holding up? Hugs to you and Lazer. :grouphug
  21. OMG, Lorinda! I just don't know what to say except that you know that I will be praying non-stop for Lazer. Like Angie, I am only familiar with the human side of A-fib. Did the cardiologist give you any indication whether the clot was as a result of the irregular heartbeat or if it was the cause? Treatment prescribed parallels that of humans, too. Hang in there. You know you can PM me if you need to. Sending powerful white, healing light for Lazer and hugs of comfort to you.
  22. Been there, done that - oils, holistic/organic/natural sprays; "specially treated" tags for collars, fabric softener sheets and anything lean, mean and green. Tried Advantage II for the first time this month and so far, so good here in Florida - otherwise known as flea, tick and mosquito he11.
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