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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Awwww. Poor Munchie! Sending hugs of comfort and prayers that a resolution is just around the corner.
  2. Oh, doG. This is enough to rip your heart out. I hope you can feel the love and support of GT...............as someone said earlier, you have always been so supportive of everyone else. Please take comfort that you are not alone - many, many are praying for you and Steak; just wish we could be of more help. Please don't beat yourself up - save your strength for Steak - he needs your love, support and strength to pull out of this. Hopefully the new neuro will be able to come up with the right combination for him. Sending prayers.
  3. Lorinda, I think Lazer's fans could really use an update!
  4. duncan41


    I am so sorry. Rest in peace, Beautiful.
  5. I can't help it....................I keep checking for an update and praying, praying, praying.
  6. Just too young.....................way too young. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. There are many, many tears being shed today, but in my heart I know that Jacey is whole again, running and smiling at the Bridge. I am so sorry for your loss - you both waged a valiant fight. :grouphug
  8. Jacey is an amazing girl. Keep fighting, sweetheart. Holding you both close to my heart and in my prayers.
  9. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! And here I was being "the voice of reason" and was proven all wrong! Yippee! I LOVE it when I'm wrong! He wants to stay......................he really, REALLY wants to stay! Lorinda, you are an amazing woman! Random thoughts......I'll shut up for now, but this is just wonderful, truly wonderful!
  10. I am very sorry that she is having such a tough time of it. Will keep her and you tucked gently in my prayers tonight. :grouphug
  11. :f_pink I am very sorry for your loss. :f_pink
  12. duncan41

    Roo And Otis

    You gave them the ultimate gifts - love of life and a life full of love. "Release The Hounds"! That's what I would be hearing on the top of that hill, followed by the thunder of feet slapping the ground and the rooing for the sheer delight of it. Godspeed Roo and Otis.
  13. Small improvements are good. Hope you cooked something to take with you. Have they tempted her with that yucky-to-us-but-oh-so-yummy-to-them prescription food? ID or AD? Have you tried to hand feed her? Suze wouldn't eat for the techs in ICU when she was septic (no platelets, either) due to ARF, but she ate out of my hand. Everyone was amazed! Hope this happens for you, too! Here's hoping for better blood test results today! Still praying - hard!
  14. Powerful prayers and hugs of comfort for Hewlett and you.
  15. She is so beautiful and is obviously fighting so hard! Jacey, honey, you have the power of GT rooting for you, so just relax and let your body heal. Praying that today is the 1st day of small, continuous improvements.
  16. Hoping this morning's update bring more positive news. Praying for Jacey!
  17. Oh, no. I was hoping that initial reports were a sign that she was improving! I am so sorry. :f_pink
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Benson.
  19. I am so sorry for your loss. Deramaxx and other NSAIDS are good drugs under the right circumstances. There are millions of dogs that will probably receive a dose this morning and will be able to go about doing their doggie thing because their pain is tolerable. In the end, I think the important thing is that you were doing your best for True and would never have knowingly given her something that could harm her. Godspeed, True.
  20. Don, updates sound very hopeful. Sending prayers and hugs for Kelly and a good night's sleep for you.
  21. I would definitely send everything to OSU for their opinion or better yet, see if the OP would ask their Vet to request a consult. . If the Vet refuses or is resistant, it's just another reason for the OP to consider getting a second opinion from a Grey-savy Vet or finding a new one. It's tough trying to do right by someone else's dog..
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