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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Aaawww! What a cutie pie! No more jumping off roofs, ok? Prayers for good healing and hugs for a frazzled caregiver!
  2. Everything that can be crossed is, all the candles are lit and the girls are sending greyt hugs and prayers. It must be a soft tissue injury. Yes, it has to be.
  3. Prayers for Joe and hugs for you and DH.
  4. How is Shanti this morning? Did she find any tempting morsels irresistible? Hugs to you and your girl.
  5. Prayers going out to Ben. Is he any better this evening?
  6. That fabulous news! Hugs all around! And thanks for thinking of others - there are so many who need all the white light that can be mustered!
  7. I'm a goner! Wonderful news about the test!!!
  8. Sounds like some Mickey-D's may be in order! Other greyt hounds find cheeseburgers hard to resist; I would make it double cheeseburgers! Another had success with venison. Does she have a favorite treat? What about nutritional yeast? Now's the time to give "anything" a try! Tripe? Canned cat food? Baby food meats??? If the antibiotics are messing with her stomach, what about pepto or zantac or pepcid? Are the antibiotics a prelim to extraction? Paula, we are sending many prayers for your girl and hugs of support to you!
  9. I know absolutely zip about Pannus, so I thought I would take a look-see in cyberspace and came across a possible resource for you; http://www.retiredgreyhound.tv/pannus.htm. I have no idea if the offer to swap stories is still valid, but it might be worth a try. It doesn't sound like Dr. K is giving you the "warm fuzzies". If it were me, I would ask that Dr. B examine him. I love my young Vet, but I absolutely adore my "old" Vet. There are times when there is no substitution for 35 years of experience! Here's hoping that Buddy will get a good diagnosis soon and make everyone a lot less frustrated!
  10. It's that cold, rainy MI winter weather! (Used to live there - now enjoying 80° winters in FL!) Poor Riley! You're wise to take him in to be examined and here's hoping that it's just old age related issues. My 4-1/2 year old started limping in March, has been examined 4 times, xrayed from head to toe, completely rested (although I have caught her doing "doughnuts" in the livingroom) and she's still limping! In other words, it could be ANYTHING! Keep us posted! Hugs for Riley and a "chill pill" for Mom. Riley is one handsome guy!
  11. I am so sorry! I hope the coming days are filled with peace, love and togetherness.
  12. Prayers and calming karma going to Worcester today. I have to say that I agree with Donna - if your gut feeling is that Tufts is not the place for Soul, then find another clinic. Been there and done that and was so glad I did! Soul man - be a good boy for Mom today because she's a bit on edge what with your sore butt and all. Let's just get through this one and things will get better. We all love you!
  13. Before finding TheraPaws, I tried baby socks with PAWZ (doggie rubbers) over the sock. This wasn't for a traction issue, but I know that there was no slipping or sliding.
  14. I agree with Batmom about the cheeseburgers. As far as Tufts go, surely there is someone there who can give you some leads about what meds you may/will need. If pain free is the goal, tell them you want "whatever it will take" to get there! Once you have your arsenal, concentrate on Penny and making your time together totally about the two of you. Don't feel guilty - just breathe her into every pore of your being. She will respond in kind and when "the time" comes, she will let you know. Make some good memories to hold on to. Penny doesn't want your remaining time together to be full of "noise". She has probably had enough of that. We will be praying for both of you.
  15. I tried the splitting routine when I only had two hounds and it didn't work for us here in FL. I reluctantly went back to a full dose for all, but I try and stretch it out until I see my "itchy" dog getting uncomfortable. I can usually wait for 5 weeks in the summer and 6 in the winter. I treat the cats at the same time and everyone is flea-free.
  16. My Fuzz is a bug magnet; fleas, mosquitos, gnats, flies, ticks - you name it, they LOVE her! And of course, she has flea dermatitis, too! About a year ago she started getting itchy and things went down hill quickly. After buying every "natural" product on earth, I found DeFlea shampoo and it worked! It not only killed the fleas, but her dermatis calmed down, too! Within about a month, she was no longer itchy, all her hair grew back in and she is my happy comedienne again! Of course, with two other greys and three cats, everyone was treated with a topical: Frontline for the canines and Advantage for the felines. As long as I treat everyone at the same time and stick to a regular schedule (I stretch it out to 5 weeks in the summer and 6 in the winter), it's not a problem and you KNOW that fleas are a constant battle here in FL!
  17. Hope the folks in AZ have the solution for Shanti! You have a permanent place in our prayer chain! Hugs and white light for Shanti and her Mom!
  18. It does a body good to get greyt news like that! Sssooo happy she's doing so well!
  19. Lots and lots of prayers headed your way. Please follow the advice about getting some pain meds for Nadir! Poor boy! Hope he can get some relief!
  20. There are several greyt adoption groups that have their anesthetic protocol published on their websites. If you can find one, print it out and take it with you. Dr. Stack's article relies heavily on the Greyhound-savy vet. If you have one, great! Doing dentals is vital to continued good health.
  21. Oh, thank you for the update! Have been sssooo worried about Penny and her Mom! Hope her Mom can get the giant size tube of Desitin for Penny and make her more comfortable - maybe everything else will fall into place, too! Must be v-e-r-y uncomfortable with a raw butt! Prayers for Penny! Hugs for her Mom!
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