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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I am so very sorry. Totally inadequate response, I know, but I have no words. I just lost Dante to this 3 weeks ago. Hugs to you.
  2. I have no words to express my condolences for your and our loss of your beautiful Kara. Your girls are together, once again. I am so very sorry. Cindy
  3. Well, poop. I hope you can find a happy medium for all involved. Poor baby. My thoughts are with you as you travel this path. You are not alone!
  4. If the pred helps with symptoms, is there a reason why you are stopping it? My 15.5 year old whippet is on long term low-dose pred (7.5 mg twice a day and he weighs 28 punds) for his issues and he is doing well and feeling pretty good. Just curious - not being critical at all. I agree with keep 'em comfy! Scritches to your little girlie.
  5. Poor thing. I hope she feels better soon! I have also had success using cream cheese to stick to the pill. Indy has been taking his gabapentin powder (his dose is half the smallest capsule) in grilled cheese - the melted cheese is hard to separate. He is a tough one to pill, too. He gets several medications twice a day and my fingers are usually a little chewed. No fun - for him or me!
  6. My vet put my whippet on generic dramamine that I got from CVS when he had a vestibular episode. It helped with the nausea.
  7. I am so very sorry. Whatever you decide to do will be the best decision for your handsome man.
  8. I have no advice. I just wanted to say that Tristan is such a cutie! I truly hope it is something that can be easily fixed. My thoughts are with you.
  9. My thoughts and sympathies for the loss of handsome Xander.
  10. Thank you for the kind words. Now, today is his birthday, which is so bittersweet. He hated heat, so I am glad he has missed this horrendous heatwave.
  11. I am sorry. My whippet has been diagnosed with myelopathy, based on his gait and symptoms. He is 15.5. He takes gabapentin twice a day. The 100 mg capsule is too much for him - it made him incredibly unstable (even moreso than where he is now, which isn't good) and woozy. I open the capsule and divide it into two doses. They are not exact, of course, but he gets what he needs over the course of the day. My vet is in agreement with this approach. I pour it on a piece of lunch meat and he gobbles it down with no problems. Costco sells it in their pharmacy and it is really cheap. He even has his own pharmacy card with them which gives him a discount since he doesn't have prescription benefits. The gabapentin won't slow his progression down, but it appears that he is more comfortable. I cannot ask for more than that. As for acupuncture, Dante was receiving that for LS and it really did benefit him. He became more playful and eager for his walks again. I know it can be controversial, but it worked for us. It gave him relief and allowed him to participate in things more fully. I just unexpectedly lost him to osteo, but I know he was enjoying life to the end. Good luck.
  12. Glad he is doing okay! Zoe snaps at bees and got stung inside her mouth/throat once. The swelling was awful. She recovered fully and still goes after them!
  13. There are no words. Nothing I write can do him justice. My first greyhound. My first dog, ever. He was perfect. Finished his career at Seabrook, hopped on a hauler and ended up in my front yard. Walked into the house like he had always been there. Dante, my old soul, my genteel gentleman hound. Everyone who met him, loved him. He loved meeting new people. He was just a little off, so I made an appointment to have him seen. Got home from work early to find him down in the backyard with a broken leg. It had already metastasized to the lymph nodes. I still cannot believe he is gone. Even though he was quiet, the house is so very empty, like the air has been sucked out of the room. You couldn't sit down without him jumping up next to you and putting his head in your lap. He never met a blade of grass that didn't need to be marked. The eternal case of ETS, even with all his teeth! I loved all the black right off his face - he had that silver heart, which melted mine. The other dogs are subdued. The kids and I are devastated. We had a wonderful 7.5 years, but, as you know, it is never enough. His birthday is Friday. This is not how I was planning on celebrating. Dante, I miss you more than I ever thought possible. I am so grateful that we never knew this was coming. He didn't limp. He lived life to the fullest, up to the very end. This is just so wrong. The horrible storm was quite the distraction and this was my first opportunity to let everyone know how loved and cherished you are. Go in peace. I love you and am so grateful for all you gave me.
  14. I am so sorry. We are reeling from a sudden death here, too. It's devastating. You are in my thoughts. Cindy
  15. I just wanted to say that I was a part of your club for 3 hours yesterday. Dante didn't get the opportunity to explore any options, but having read this before, I was glad to at least understand what I was facing. I am glad to hear the positive stories that some of you are having and the support that you have been able to give each other. Greyhound people are the best. Cindy
  16. I am so very sorry. I, too, have a whippet and they might be small but the space they take in your soul is huge. Thinking of you and yours today.
  17. Lots of good thoughts coming your way, Adam! You are still very lucky that I didn't just take you home with me! That was one of my favorite GURs. Love that boy!
  18. My heart is broken with and for you. Sabrina is one of the most gentle hounds I have met. I am so very sorry. Cindy, with Maverick and Al
  19. Sending good vibes your way! I know how scary this is.
  20. Perfect tribute for your regal Nadia. I am so very sorry for your loss and for ours. She was special and knew it, too. Hugs to you and your Joisey girls.
  21. I am so very sorry. I didn't know her history, but it is obvious that she pulled out all stops to make sure she stayed with you! Cindy
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