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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. Thinking of Lydia, and you, too Nancy. Praying that she's just bruised from her fall.
  2. That's a great article. Thanks for sharing that.
  3. Agree with Batmom on her point, 100%. Two of our five have been just like that--did not like to be leaned over, and would (does) give a growl. My DD gets upset when Phoebe does that to her, but I keep telling her--she does not LIKE that, so don't do it. The growl is her telling you that. A growl is better than a bite, so heed it. Neither Phoebe nor (angel) Buddy were at all aggressive otherwise, just like Jey said. They simply did/do not like being leaned over. Hopefully you can work through this with your dog.
  4. We got Phoebe in early September--she had broken her leg in her final race at the end of June (right hock). The vet told me it looked like a 'really nasty break', but that we could teach her the stairs. She had no cast or anything when we got her, don't really know if she was casted or not....anyway, it took a few days to teach her the steps, and we were mindful of that leg when we were stepping her up the stairs. Once she 'got it', she was fine. At first she tended to leap the stairs in a few bounds, but now she goes up and down nicely. Maybe you just need to go back to square one, and teach her how to go up and down. It can be scary for them, I think, but once they get it, they're good to go.
  5. Enthusiast? How do they define that?? I wonder if it'd count that I have had five greyhounds....?
  6. She's doing well on the Proplan....sometimes I think if it ain't broke, don't fix it....but the Iams can be had for much less $$. I just signed up for a $5.15 coupon for Proplan, so perhaps it'll be Proplan at least for now. How do you get on the weight circle program with Proplan??
  7. Phoebe came to us in September, and she was being fed Proplan. We kept her on it, as she likes it, though I think she'd eat ANYTHING . She was on the "Focus large breed", and the most recent bag I bought her was "Savor large breed", which is the shredded blend. She is equally enthusiastic about both. As I said, she'd probably eat anything! I can get Iams large breed, green bag, at Sam's Club, for less money than the Proplan--I think it's 46 pounds for $38.99 or something like that, versus 34 pounds of Proplan for about $45. I am not interested in feeding her a 'high end' food, since she's a good eater, has solid poop, basically an easy keeper. I do, however, want to give her 'decent' food, so is one of these preferable to the other??
  8. Something similar happened to us years ago....let the dogs out, they were both hurt. What happened was that one was out of sight behind some bushes, the other one went running out and didn't see him....they collided. Buddy had a messed up canine tooth, Rascal had a puncture in her chest. Really not an 'altercation', but more of an accident. Sounds like something similar could've happened with your dogs.
  9. Since Phoebe threw up a whole Heartgard once, I have been slicing it into pieces and giving it to her in her evening meal.
  10. Hugs to you, Robin. These days are always very bittersweet, aren't they?
  11. Phoebe has a deer antler she likes. We got it at Petco.
  12. After Ruby's injury with just the SCREEN, these posts always make my heart sink....hope Iker is feeling completely fine today.
  13. Yesterday, November 2, was a year since we said goodbye to our wonderful Jack....that's him in my avatar. I still think about him a lot, miss him terribly, and can't believe he died so quickly and so young--he was only 7. Having Phoebe has helped, but of course there will never be another Jack. He helped me laugh again, after my daughter died, and for that reason he will always hold a piece of my heart.
  14. I didn't think it looked like a corn either....lucky for you AND your dog!!
  15. People have always commented on how 'calm' my greyhounds are. Makes me proud. I don't really appreciate an 'in your face' dog, so greyhounds are perfect for me. My first male greyhound, Buddy, did not like other dogs. Well, he liked other GREYHOUNDS, but not other breeds. Don't know why, but he acted very aggressive when he saw one, particularly when on leash. I think what changed his mind was when neighbors moved in next door--they had an older Lab/Golden mix dog who was fabulous. She was calm, friendly, submissive...and she sort of changed Buddy's mind about other dogs. Granted, not about badly behaved dogs, but he became more tolerant of well-behaved dogs after getting to know Maddie--through the fence at first, and eventually on leash or even when she came into our fenced area. So perhaps you could socialize him a bit if you could find a dog like Maddie was--someone well behaved, etc.? I have not taken my dogs to dog parks, but that doesn't seem like the best way to socialize a dog....it leaves so much to chance, and there is always that possibility of your dog getting hurt....
  16. Nothing to really add, since I never had an issue adding a dog--each dog adjusted seamlessly, and there were no problems--but just wanted to say that I hope James and MP work it out. My friend had a foster dog who bit one of her dogs a couple of times, and she ended up adopting the foster dog. Never really had any more issues. Like others have said, it probably means a lot more to US than it does to THEM.
  17. Hello again! I remember you--I still have the "Princess" collar I bought for my girl Rascal from you, at Dewey, and the vintage ribbon collar I bought for Ruby....both of those girls are gone, but my new girl Phoebe looks great in their old collars. Now this Miss Livvie...is this a human baby??! Or a dog?
  18. All of mine have been different. Least changed, probably, were Rascal and Jack--they were good 'out of the box'. Buddy probably changed the most--he went from a grouchy, growly guy into a cuddly lap dog/love bug--but only with select people. Phoebe has only been here about six weeks, hasn't changed a whole lot--more like she has just adapted to us a little more.
  19. Phoebe uses our couch and ottoman after every meal...as her napkin.
  20. Same here. Funny story--back when we had Rascal, Ruby, and Buddy, and my friend had two greyhounds (one female, one male), and we dog-sat for one another---my Ruby always wanted to be the first dog in AND out, and so did her girl Tiger. It was pretty funny to watch those two jockeying for position, to be the first one through the door. Buddy, who was returned twice before we got him, allegedly partly because he 'wanted to be top dog' always stood patiently in the house, or on the patio, till both of my girls were through the door. Of course those instances are both about dogs deciding among themselves who goes first--not people or dog--but cute stories nonetheless.
  21. Definitely a stressor going into another home, even from a foster home. Think about if you had to leave your home, go where there were new people, a new dog....no matter how wonderful they are and how much they love you, it is still *different* and requires adjustment. Hopefully the U/A will turn up nothing....and as she settles, and you learn to 'read' her, this all shall pass. BTW, she is beautiful.
  22. Hey, even my girl dogs had stud tail.
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