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Everything posted by LaFlaca

  1. Lovely memorial for a beautiful girl. I am so very sorry. Hugs.
  2. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that! They were giving her some other stomach coating medication...can't for the life of me remember the name. Thanks for the encourgement!
  3. Thankfully, her bloodwork is fine. This morning she is stable and alert and had vomited last at 2 a.m. Her protocol has been changed to Cerenia (an anti-emetic) and Carafate (used to treat ulcers). This sounds like a good plan to me. I briefly discussed endoscopy vs exploratory surgery. The vet's thinking is that if she continues to have bloody vomit on this new protocol, there's most likely a pretty big ulcer that needs surgical repair. Let's hope that the Cerenia and Carafate do the trick so that the surgery becomes unnecessary. God, I miss Wendy. I keep thinking she's here, right next to me, like she always is. I miss her grumbling, sighing and frantically nesting at night. I miss her farts and her burping green tripe in my face. I miss her little, pointy head up my butt. I want her muddy paw prints all over the house. This BITES HARD! My heart goes out to all you GT'ers that are going through crap like this - and worse - with your puppies. There oughta be a law.... Thank you all for your prayers...keep 'em comin'.
  4. Going through a similar nightmare right now with my girl but no real diagnosis yet. I am so very sorry that Harley is going through this. You both are on my prayer list.
  5. This just sucks hard. Prayers and gentle hugs for Dude and you.
  6. I just came back from visiting my girl. She looks awful. So thin...even thinner than her racing weight. She's weak and wobbly. The vet said that he may do an exploratory surgery on Monday. I didn't get a chance to ask him, but can't dogs be endoscoped? All this because I gave her one, stupid asprin. I may have killed my heart-hound. Pray please...don't stop praying.
  7. Wendy has been hospitalized since the beginning of the week. She had a gastric bleed, which is now under control, and she's better but she continues to vomit. The vet says that if she does not respond to meds, he will have to do an exploratory on Monday to look around inside. Oh, God. I am TERRIFIED. Please form a prayer circle around my girl. I need the power of GT. Thank you all so much.
  8. No advice, but a ton of loving, healing thoughts.
  9. Thank you all so much for your well-wishes. To answer Batmom - she had finished taking the Metacam about a week ago, but the vet thinks that it was still in her system in sufficient amount that, when combined with the aspirin, pushed her over the edge . Total agreement with above. In retrospect, the mild discomfort she was feeling from her cut pad was a good reminder for her not to race around like a maniac and dig trenches in the yard. It would have helped the thing heal more quickly. Pain does have a purpose.
  10. About two weeks ago, Wendy had a run-in with the backyard fence and needed stitches in her hind, right axilla. She got antibiotics and Metacam. On Sunday, she came up lame from a cut on her pad from doing zoomies in the yard. She was quite uncomfortable, so I gave her a buffered aspirin, 325 mgs. On Monday morning, I woke up to massive amounts of brown vomit. OK, I thought, the aspirin upset her tummy. When I came home from work, I found that she had vomited more, probably a total of 10-15 times! She was wonky, wobbly and panting heavily. She would not lay on her beds, but sought out the tiles (seeking to cool the fever). Off to the E-vet. Long story short...Wendy has had a gastrointestinal bleed probably the result of the Metacam closely followed by a dose of aspirin. Today she is stable, no more fever or vomiting but still has some blood in the stool. It looks like she will be fine, but I wanted to share our experience so hopefully no one else has to go through this in the future. If you see brown vomit that looks like coffee grounds RUN to the vet...there's internal bleeding. Although the vet told me that giving Wendy the aspirin was the right thing to do, it is now clear that she is very sensitive to Nsaids. They will note that on her chart. I will NEVER self medicate again. No matter how small the discomfort I will ALWAYS FROM NOW ON CONSULT THE VET. Lesson learned. Please pray for my girl.
  11. Thank you all for your great advice. We'll be going to the vet today as there is a slice of dangling pad that probably needs to come off. She's limping quite badly although seems her old self. I'm having trouble keeping her from doing the butt-tuck zoomies that got her inot trouble in the first place. My little weirdo...I lubs her.
  12. Wendy has torn a pad racing around the yard. She's limping and seems quite uncomfortable. Is there a safe OTC I can give her? I have aspirin, Tylenol and Motrin on hand. Oh, and she weighs 55 lbs. Thanks!
  13. Wendy has her route all mapped out...it's a perfect rectangle. She never seems to tire of sniffing each blade of grass and marking every few steps.
  14. Hi Summer, my deer haf sissy. Tell yur Momma that she just must be brave and get yu some chickie feetz. I lub them! They look like teensy hands. Go on Summer's Momma...for a Crispmix treet, get my sissy chickie feetz.. Oh, I mayd a poem. Tata for now - Your sister, Wendy frum My Ami.
  15. Wendy loves sardines! I found ones that are packed in spring water and have no salt added. 4 tins for $5.00. Not a bad deal. She loves Jack Mackeral, too, although I don't feed it as often as the sardines because of the salt content.
  16. Gentle hugs across the miles. Rest well sweet Paradise.
  17. Wendy does this, too. I call it the "butt dance". She will offer me her hind end (by bumping me) for scritches and then will sort of march in place with her hind legs and wag her hips from side to side. I think it might be sexually pleasurable. Think about it. When the male mounts the female this would be an area that would receive friction. Regardless, it makes her happy and makes me smile. That would not explain why males enjoy the butt dance, though.
  18. LaFlaca


    There's nothing to forgive. You did the best you knew how. You loved Eliza well. Love never dies and you two will be together once day. Gentle hugs.
  19. I started Wendy on 5 mg. with dinner nightly almost three months ago. It took two months for the results to be noticeable. Astounding results - fuller,softer, shinier fur with no negative side effects.
  20. For those who are giving their hounds Melatonin for fur growth, have you noticed any weight gain? Wendy has grown a plush coat but she's looking a little pudgy. Too many cookies or is the Melatonin to blame?
  21. I have been adding Proden PlaqueOff to Wendy's breakfast for 3 years now. Although her teeth were pretty good when I adopted her, she did have some plaque. After a month or two on the PlaqueOff the plaque did just that...flaked off! This is not a substitute for brushing. This product loosens the plaque so that it comes off easily with brushing or when the dog chews a good, raw bone for example. The first time, I just scratched the stuff off Wendy's canine with my fingernail! Good stuff. I buy it here: http://www.entirelypets.com/plaqueoff180.html This product is not recommended for animals with thyroid issues.
  22. LaFlaca


    Lovely tribute for a special, beautiful girl. Rest in the arms of the angels Bay.
  23. Hands down ~ Greyhound Gang supplements. http://www.greyhoundgang.org/store/index.php/cat_5
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