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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. That's my plan Jey. I'm starting with protein only to make sure he does alright after about a week I'll probably add something like lentils and see how that goes.

    I'm hoping that antihistamines will prove to be of some benefit. This is from the following published paper.






    The central role of the mast cell in IC is clear. Any form of multimodality therapy should include therapy that blocks the effect of histamine. Hydroxyzine hydrochloride remains the most effective agent for the management of mast cell dysfunction. Because of its sedative properties, it is generally administered at night in doses ranging from 25 to 75 mg. In patients who are highly sensitive, doses as low as 10 mg can be used. In the spring and fall, when many IC patients suffer from seasonal allergies, an additional 1025 mg every 6 hours can be beneficial. In patients who cannot tolerate a sedating antihistamine, cetirizine hydrochloride may be a reasonable alternative. The addition of H2 blockers to more standard antihistamine therapy has been reported, but the results are somewhat inconclusive.

  2. He had an ultrasound the last time this problem started. Everything looked normal with the exception of some thickening of the bladder wall, which would indicate inflammation. No stones or growths were found. The accidents have been happening sporadically for a few weeks. I wasn't sure to begin with if it was him or Beanie, but then I started putting a bellyband on him and sure enough it was him. Last week I came home to a flood every day. Friday night I stopped feeding the California Natural GF Venison & Potato and started him on just quail Saturday. Yesterday I noticed he was no longer drawing his back legs up into his belly when he was lying down or drawing his tuck up when standing or walking like he was in pain. Today I came home from work and no accidents. So it seems as in the past his problem is related to developing food intolerances. What I'm wondering is how to best stop or at least slow down the development of new intolerances to food. At this point I know he can't have rice, chickpeas, fish, beef and whatever component (s) of the CN that triggered the latest problem. I do have an appointment tomorrow for him.

    Wouldn't you know we just earned our free bag of California Natural after finishing 10 bags of the stuff.

  3. Wouldn't they have tested for hemangiosarcoma and gotten results back by now if that is what it is? I'm not sure which is worse, knowing they have something like that or not knowing what is wrong. I almost think not knowing is worse, because when you know you feel you can start to take some kind of action towards treatment. Not knowing leaves you just hanging.

  4. The inability to hold his urine has started again.I questioned whether it was behavioral and tied to Beanie being sick and her subsequent death, but I noticed Friday that he was standing and walking as if he had pain in the groin area. I took a urine sample in Saturday and no UTI was found, which doesn't surprise me. I've starter another food trial because I suspect he has developed another food intolerance. I found this paper that seems to fit what has been going on with him with the exception that this dog's problem was fixed by changing to a hypoallergenic diet, which I did try, but Nadir's digestive system had a very, very bad response to.




    What I'm wondering is how to best avoid him developing more food intolerances. In persons with interstitial cystitis food allergies are one of the causes of the problem and antihistamines are prescribed as part of a multilevel treatment plan. Along with changing his food to quail right now I've started him on antihistamines in the hopes that this might delay another food intolerance developing. I'm wondering though what else I can do to avoid this because if it keeps going like this I will run out of foods to feed him.

  5. One thing I am learning through this is that I'm not alone in my pain. So many of you know what I'm feeling because you've been through it yourself. Thank you for the kindness you've shown me and sharing your own heartaches with me.

    I so wish I could take it all back and spare my little girl that last evening of misery and give her a goodbye as peaceful as Bruiser's was.

  6. Julie thank you for posting that, however I have to agree with Jennifer (JJNg) that the only way to substantiate claims that a food was responsible for an illness or death is if a vet was involved in that determination. A recall in itself is not a bad thing, its when they delay a recall until they are forced to do one as was the case of Diamond being forced to when the CDC got involved.


    The point is, we all do the best we can, we all base our decisions on the information we have at the time. We all love our babies more than words can express. I can't stop crying, I can't stop blaming myself. It's not right, I don't deserve to feel the way I feel, any reasonable person would move on, but I can't.


    Beanie loved you, still loves you. Try to hang onto that.

    Please try to remember that Patrick still loves you too :grouphug

  8. The problem is I didn't let her go when I should have that previous Thursday morning. I just had to try one more chemotherapy drug before I set her free. Because of that she died a death so horrible few of you could imagine. By the time I made the 45 minute drive with her to the e-vet she was out of her mind from the pain. Ironically that drug that I wanted to try arrived that next morning.

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