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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. A quick question because I'm on my phone and it will take too long trying to go back page by page to find the info. How much tramadol can be dosed at one time. Nadir just came back inside and is limping and panting very heavily like he is in a lot of pain. I just gave him 300mg of gabapentin and 50mg of tramadol. If I can get his pain under control I would prefer taking him in first thing in the morning and not having to make an e-vet visit tonight.

  2. Most dogs on here have not done well with Blue Buffalo so I wouldn't use your experience with it to judge other foods you might want to give a try. Finding a protein source that agrees with them is the most important step. If it doesn't agree with them it doesn't matter how good the brand is they won't do good on it.

  3. ... My goal is to make many happy memories in the next few days.. either they'll be something I can hold on to after he's gone or just fond memories to look back on while I make new ones with him... I guess we'll find out in 2-3 more days...



    Here's Neko enjoying the beautiful day out on the grass with my mom. He was in heaven! He has lost quite a bit of weight, but he's still my handsome man :)



    I love your thoughts on this. And Neko still looks good even with the weight loss.

    My thoughts and prayers continue for Neko and your family :grouphug

  4. for a home prepared diet.

    It looks like I'm going to have to start preparing Nadir's meals as the list of foods he's becoming intolerant to grows. I had read some good things about this supplement however one of the things he can't eat is beef and this has beef liver in it.




    Anyone know of a good quality supplement I could use to make sure he gets everything he needs in his diet?

  5. I've got (2) bottles of 100mg artemisinin with a mfg date of 2/12 and (2) bottles of Butyrex with an expiration date of 11/13 that were bought from Holley that anyone here is welcome to. One of each bottle has been opened and a little used out of it, but has been closed and stored as directed. Pm me if anyone here would like them. I hate to see them go to waste.

  6. Thank you for sharing that information. I recently picked up a bag of California Natural GF Venison & Potato and although its not on the list and the expiration date doesn't match those on the recall I'm still going to hold off feeding it for awhile. Since I only have Nadir and Chase now and Nadir can't eat that food anymore I think its time for a change once that bag is gone.

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