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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I'm so deeply deeply sorry about this diagnosis. I wish I had chosen the route of palliative care with Beanie's also. My thoughts will be with you and Murphy during this time. :grouphug

    This is so unfair, but Murphy is so blessed to have found someone who really loved him to be there for him during this time. Can you just imagine him still in that backyard alone going through this :(.


    Where did you get it!? I haven't been able to get any in a long time. our hounds love it... I've learned to not breathe through my nose when feeding :)


    I see you got in Cambridge... a bit too far for me.. shoot

    Here's a list of dealers that carry Blue Ridge Beef products. They have raw green tripe in 2lb and 5lb chubs. You might see if there are any near you. If you don't see anyone nearby I would try contacting the company and asking them. I know for instance the place I've gotten their products from isn't listed.


    Edited to add the link



  3. I think your doing the wise thing in having the splenectomy done. He wasn't a greyhound, but my American bulldog, Bruiser had to have a splenectomy because of a ruptured mass. It turned out to be HSA. He did fine with the surgery, but I lost him 8 months later to the cancer. My vet feels the outcome could have been better if we had caught the mass before it ruptured.

  4. Since Beanie passed Nadir's bladder problems have started again full force. They actually started prior to that, but it was hard to determine if it was him or her because of the prednisone she was on. This problem has always been linked to a food he has been eating. If I eliminate the food the problem goes away. The problem I have now is he is reacting to everything I feed him. He does okay for about a week then the problem starts again. These are the foods I have tried so far that I have been through with him that cause his bladder problems; rice, fish, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, quail, venison and pork. I essentially have run out of options to feed him. What I don't understand is why is he reacting to all these foods. I've got an appointment with a SAIM specialist at Auburn tomorrow morning. I hope she can given me some answers and some way to help my boy. Having to clean up after him is not what bothers me; the pain it causes him does however.

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