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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. It's probably the tramadol and not the Rimadyl that is making him anxious. Tramadol is known to cause that effect in some dogs.

    Regarding his limp and diagnosis of knee injury and spinal problems let me share with you my introduction into the world of corns. I spent over 2 years carrying Nadir to 5 different vets and spending thousands trying to find out why he was having so much trouble walking. I thought for sure it was a spinal problem. I had one vet give me a diagnosis of spondylosis, but a year later a MRI showed nothing wrong with his spine. By this time he had got increasingly worse to the point like you I was thinking of letting him go. Then I took him to another vet who tells me he has a knee injury like DaVid was diagnosed with. The final vet I took him to in this saga took the time to watch how he would stand and move around and the first thing out of his mouth was ' there is nothing wrong with this dog's knees. The problem is in the foot'. He then picked his foot up and showed me the corn on his foot and said that was probably what was causing him so much pain. This was prior to my education of corns here on GT so I had no idea how painful they could be. I tried having the corn hulled which only increased the pain for him, it wasn't until I had the entire corn surgically removed and about 3 months time for that to heal that I had a dog that could final not only walk, but run without pain on his walks.

  2. Since your at your wits end I'll suggest trying Manuka honey. It has helped resolve Nadir's bowel issues more than a few times. I just give a couple of teaspoons before his meal and some in between until things look better. If it doesn't start improving in a couple of days I usually get Flagyl from my vet. The nice thing about trying Manuka honey is they can't build up a resistance to it like they can with overuse of antibiotics.

  3. Yep, that's a great idea. If not, I'm returning in late September. I don't know if it's difficult for me to get them into the country, though. I think Dr. Couto is your best bet.


    GRIN also sends teams to vets to other shelters. There is a team from Colorado going to FBM in late October.

    Robin, I'm glad you mentioned this because I also have some meds I would like to get over to the shelters in Spain. I had already thought about sending them via Dr. Couto when he goes to Scooby, but I was really hoping to help another shelter liked FBM out. Do you know who in particular I should contact about this?

  4. I'm not feeding raw anymore, but when I did I fed chicken leg/thigh quarters and backs, turkey necks, legs, and wings, pork necks and ribs, cornish hens, beef kidney (which is one of the most foul smelling things I have fed them) and any inexpensive cut of boneless beef.

  5. My Bruiser had splenic hemangiosarcoma. Of course I didn't know it was HSA when I opted to have the surgery to remove the spleen with the mass when it was found on x-ray. He went through 5 rounds of chemo and overall did very well. I let him go this past February, eight months after his surgery, but I had 7-1/2 good months with him that I will always treasure. My vet felt he might have had a better chance if the tumor had not ruptured before it was removed. I'll be keeping you and your boy in my thoughts as you wait for the biopsy results.

  6. I know some of the terror of what you went through. Chase was attacked in my backyard by the neighbor's dog. The fear didn't end when the attack was over. When I layed down to sleep every time I closed my eyes I would see relive it over and over and over again. That happened about a year and a half ago and Chase is finally starting to show signs of overcoming the mental trauma from it. I pray you and Betty heal both physically and mentally and that Jack does better than expected. :grouphug

  7. The thing is these items are intended as treats, not something the majority of the dog's diet should consist of. Actually, aside from the feathers, every part of the chicken has some benefit in the diet. The problem is when these foods are made up of nothing but those parts. The same goes for the pig. There's a local folk life play that's put on twice a year about life in Pike Co. during the depression that is taken from stories handed down from past generations. In one of the skits they talk about hog slaughtering time and how everyone had to help and no part of the hog was wasted. Everything was used, "from the rooter to the tooter", as they put it, nothing was thrown out. Ideally in dogfood the whole animal, aside from feathers and hide, would be used, not just the muscle meat and not just the "by-products".


    I am hoping and praying that her protein levels will have increased when she has her next blood test on Tuesday. It hit me a couple of days ago that I have been counting down the days and assuming that things will have improved after 14 days on the pred, and that maybe that might not happen. I am so stressed lately I feel like I could break in half.

    Carol Ann :grouphug thank you for the update. I so feel your worry over this :(. I hope the bloodwork brings positive results and if she can't be taken off of the pred and switched to budesonide it can at least be reduced.

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