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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. After so much heartache, which seemed to come crashing unrelentlessly time and time again like waves rushing ashore, so that you can't even catch your breath before you are knocked down by another, there is finally some good news here. Truman has finished his chemo and got an excellent discharge report :yay .

    And Jaynie is back home recuperating :kiss2.

    Truman we expect you to keep getting those good reports and Jaynie I'm expecting you to follow Twiggy's pawsteps and be a fighter.

    Twiggy you may be slowing down, but your still still an inspiration to those fighting.

  2. Have you checked his other glands, especially the popliteal, which are easy to locate at the back of the hind leg just above the knee? If they are also swollen I hate to say it, but you are most likely dealing with lymphoma :(. My Beanie started with swollen glands and it did not end well with her. I pray that this is not the case with Pepper.


    Just want to add that if other glands are swollen you need to get him in immediately to do a FNA to verify lymphoma. If it is lymphoma and you plan to fight it speed is of the essence.

  3. I love that picture Anne of your two sweet babies. I hope you have many more days and months with both of them.

    Have you thought about giving Tibbie CoQ10. I read an article recently that said several studies have shown that taking it can actually improve survival in heart failure patients.

  4. Oh Connie :cry1:weep I so feel your anguish. Our sweet boys are gone :(. Nadir's death is still a shock to me. I was on my way to pick him up when the tech that did his procedure called and said all went fine and he was ready to go home. When she brought him out , to me he was going into severe respiratory failure. I won't even go into what she did at this point. Suffice it to say I will never forgive or forget what she did.

  5. Connie, watch for Carl trying to lick where he got the pamindronate infusion. Some of the vincristine Beanie was given got under her skin and she got obsessive about licking the area, which caused a lot of damage.




    She too was a nervous wreck when going to the vet and in hindsight wish I had never put her through it. I'm not trying to convince you not to continue with your path of treatment just to keep in mind that sometimes with some dogs it does worse than it does good. Something that might help Carl with his anxiousness is something I saw someone post about in the Food section called Zylkene, which has just been approved for use in the United States. You can get it through Amazon with no prescription.




    My prayers and thoughts continue with you and sweet Carl and others fighting this nasty disease.

  6. I'll keep practicing recall, but I will never trust it to work. Maybe I'm setting up myself for failure, but I don't want to test that with my dog's life.

    I don't think your setting yourself up for failure. Chase's recall is pretty good, but I really need to work on it more. I probably still wouldn't off leash though because I'm a nervous Nelly and would be afraid that one time I chose to something could happen. However, I don't feel this means I love my dogs more than someone who works daily reinforcing training that chooses to allow their dogs off leash. I would have loved to have given Nadir, Bruiser, and Beanie the experiences Tiffany gives her dogs.

  7. It was two weeks ago yesterday that Nadir died, so I feel the pain you are feeling. So much of my time was spent caring for him and now that he's gone the days feel so empty. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug

  8. ...anyone who has never had one can understand just how special they are. I have never owned a dog that knew exactly how I was feeling.


    He was a wonderful boy and the house is empty without him. Scotch, another piece of my heart is gone with you. Run pain free my love.

    Truer words can not be said. I too feel the pain you are feeling :weep. I am so very very sorry for your loss. :grouphug

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