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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Shannon :grouphug:(

    It doesn't seem that it has been all that long since you went to the airport to pick him up. I was so excited for you and for Argos for the good life that I knew lay ahead for him. It saddens me to read of his passing and to know that he too is now gone. :cry1:weep



  2. It is possible that the panting is from the tramadol. Some greyhounds do not tolerate it well. Is it possible for you to dose her gabapentin 3X a day and try eliminating the tramadol to see how she does? Also if you have cold laser therapy in your area it might be worth trying to see if that will help her. I have a friend whose senior greyhound has been helped tremendously from treatments she gets.

    JohnF usually posts a very good list that is very helpful when trying to decide if it is time to say goodbye.


    Edited to add my apologies to Clodagh for referring to her as him.

  3. Something to consider.




    There is an approximately one in 1000 chances of a dog on carprofen developing nausea, appetite loss, vomiting or diarrhea. If any of the above are noted, carprofen should be discontinued and the dog brought in for a liver enzyme blood test. In most cases, the reaction is minor and resolves with symptomatic relief, but it is important to rule out whether or not the patient has more than just a routine upset stomach.

  4. I hope so mel but steroids not having any effect now he looks in pain, not eating. I`m crumbling, thought I was prepared but its heartbreaking :cry1

    I'm so sorry your having to go through this right now. :grouphug You never said if it was lymphoma, but if it is be prepared that you might not be able to wait until tomorrow to take him in if his body is starting to crash. I hesitated taking Beanie in the evening she died thinking she would be alright until the morning. It was one of the worse mistakes of my life, which she paid for in suffering I can't begin to describe by the time I ended rushing her to the evet that evening to be euthanized.

    Is he running a temperature? Beanie's body felt like it was on fire by the time I reached the evet.

    I really hope this is not the case with Pepper, but you need to be prepared to take action quickly if it is and hopefully the evet is close as the one I had to take Beanie to was not.

  5. Hello!

    I have a question and feeling very desperate! Can Rymidal cause kidney problems and if so, what should we give her? She started on Rymidal during/ after her radiation. Her creatinine ( sp?) was high all along at 2.4 ish. But her levels were slightly higher since the day we adopted her. She did not tolerate Tramadol the one time we gave it to her!!!


    She clearly has more leg pain now, we are adding Gabapentin, but on her blood work, her creatinine was 14??? Is that even possible?? We are going to retest it. She is not eating well at all, and does not feel good obviously but will go on a walk, pee, poop, drink....


    thanks in advance

    What drug regimen (drugs and dosages) is she on right now? Could the creatinine of 14 be the BUN/Creatinine ratio result? Nadir's creatinine was 2.4 and ratio was 15 prior to passing from a combination of advanced renal disease and clotting problems.

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