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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Beanie died 4 months shy of 12 of lymphoma and I just lost Nadir this week 4 months shy of his 13th birthday. He had several health issues that he was being seen about and on medication for. I still haven't gotten over Beanie's passing and I'm still reeling over the sudden unexpected loss of Nadir. That said it would never enter my mind to not adopt another greyhound. Looking back on their lives I see the unmeasurable love and devotion they gave me and not all the extra work I had to do when they did develop health problems.

  2. It seems to me your vet doesn't even want to try anything other than pushing euthanasia. Several people on here have suggested using methocarbamol and attested there have been no ill effects. Every JJNG, who is a vet, said it would not cause problems. I think you need a new vet.

  3. Can believe I'm going to say this (I'm in the camp that hypoT is over diagnosed in ghs) but, have you run a thyroid panel yet?

    My vet and I actually discussed this Friday. I too am in the camp that it is overly diagnosed, but Nadir has presented with some unusual things. So maybe a low thyroid, his T4 was 0.6, that is normal for most greyhounds isn't normal for him. So a full thyroid panel has been ordered.

  4. Tracy, his potassium level was 3.8, which is within levels found in greyhounds. However, with the muscle weakness he has shown lately we are wondering if this could be a contributing factor. Any thoughts to other factors would be appreciated.

    Jen, his phosphorus level was 3.6, which along with the USgP of 1.026 compared with the high creatinine and BUN levels makes this all very confusing as to diagnosis.

    Does anyone explain what they Bilirubin-conjugated level is about. According to the reference range it should be between 0.0-0.1, his was at 0.2.

  5. or not. For the past month Nadir's water consumption and peeing episodes have increased, which would indicate the beginnings of kidney failure. I finally was able to take him in Tuesday for bloodwork and urinalysis. The results are a little conflicting, but very concerning. His USpG was 1.026, which is on the low side, but from what my vet explained, not where you really start to get concerned. However, his creatinine was 2.4 and BUN was 36, which by IRIS guidelines would put him at Stage 3. He's also been experiencing a lot of weakness in his legs. Turns out his Potassium level is low, which could account for the weakness. I'm not sure if he is going into kidney failure, but I'm going to treat it as if he was. I'm taking him in Monday for diuresis to help flush the toxins out of his system and give his kidneys a chance to heal. Because of the danger of the thrombus he has becoming dislodged during this otherwise safe procedure he could use any good thoughts and white light you could send his way.

  6. I'm really happy that you decided to give the honey a try. I know it can be a pain to use, but it does make a world of difference in the healing process. That brand and strength is what I buy for Nadir's digestive problems. As far as medical grade I just mentioned it in the event you and your wife were not comfortable using the jar you get from a health food store.


    I don't heat the honey. I spread it on a non stick pad and glue it on. I make it thick. If that isn't non stick gauze, take care getting it off. I sometimes spray vetricyn along the edges as I remove the pads. Continued good luck!

    This is how I also applied it to a nasty pressure sore that developed on Nadir's elbow from a splint he was wearing due to a broken toe. I hadn't realized that there was a problem because he had been licking at the top of the splint. However, when I muzzled him one night to prevent him from licking it I woke to the most nauseating odor of infection. I rushed him into the vet that morning. The smell was so bad I thought for sure he was going to lose his leg. After she cleaned it out he ended up having, because the stitches wouldn't hold in that area, a half dollar size hole that went done to the bone. I decided to try the Manuka honey after he got extremely sick from the Clindamyacin she put him on to clear the infection. I picked up a jar of 16+ strength at our local health food store and applied it to nonstick Telfa pad that I applied to the wound and then wrapped. The honey helped not only to help clear the infection it also helped draw the fluid from the wound so that it could heal better. When it healed he ended up with only a small thin scar.

  7. Connie, I'm hoping and praying with you that your vet is right. I was sickened when I read Carl's name here in this thread :(. Having been around since I joined GT that black boy of yours holds a bit of a special place in my heart.

    To all of you fighting this horrible disease my thoughts, hopes, and prayers are with you also.


  8. Yes, you don't pay anything until you use it. The treating facility will set how long the term of payment will be. The first time I used it several years ago for my grey Nadir at Auburn University they allowed me one full year to pay the balance back recently though they have decreased the time to 6 months. Make sure you know what the length of time is and put on there what you know at the most you will be able to pay on a monthly basis. I just say this because the interest rate once the special terms are over are exceedingly high and if yomiss a payment or do not pay it off within the terms of the set time they will add all thai interest to your bill from the very first day of use. I'm not trying to discourage you from it, but you have to be very responsible with it if you do use. I by the way have used it several times, in fact I've got 2 months left to pay on Nadir's last visit to Auburn.


    This is what I was thinking. :nod



    I hesitate to recommend that you send him back. Partly because I do believe this is fixable (although you will always need to be vigilant with this particular dog) and partly because the chances of his getting a new home with this kind of history ... well, let's just say they would be greatly reduced. But your family's safety is at risk, and the decision must be yours.

    This thread was started several years ago and if you read 5 posts up you will find that the Op's family was able to successfully work with this dog and make him a loving part of their family until they lost him to osteo just recently.

  10. I just want to add to consider using Manuka honey to fight the infection along with the antibiotics. There have been numerous studies proving the efficacy of this honey to not only heal wounds, but successfully fight even antibiotic strains of bacteria. I've used Manuka honey from the health food store on a pretty nasty infection with great success. There is a medical grade of Manuka honey available however from Dermasciences called Medihoney that you can get through Amazon.







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