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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. If you like I would be happy to send you a bit for Kebo to try. Also, as an added bonus it is a small size kibble.

    Nadir was also doing a lot of panting especially when it was time for him to go outside to go to the bathroom. He panted the entire time I was walking him around. When he started eating this food the panting during those times stopped. He just recently started the panting again, so lately I have been adding Konsyl physillium fiber, because it seems his stools have tended to be on the too firm side.


    We are devastated-- Haka was my first dog, our first greyhound. He taught me so much about love, and he opened a part of my heart I didn't know previously existed.


    Rest well my sweet monkey, Haka bear.


    I believe that this is the greatest gift they give us.

    I'm so sorry that you had to let your boy go :cry1.

  3. Susan, as I said yesterday, I am so very sorry. I remember when we both first read about Dita and her mum, my bridge angel, Loca, on GT. Batmom "helped" them write their plea for a forever home, hopefully together. Could you imagine what our lives would have been like if one of us welcomed both of them??? OMG!!!


    Dita has always been very special to me. I have no doubt that she and Loca are at the bridge sharing stolen red wine, eating stolen Belgian chocolates, and stubbornly refusing to give up their seats to anybody with a quick look to kill.

    If Loca took after her mom in attitude, Dita must have been a real spit-fire :). I hope those good memories will comfort you after you mourn her passing.



  4. Not sure what your feeding, but he may have stopped eating because the kibble doesn't agree with his stomach anymore. I had the similar problem last year with Nadir. He would eat something for a day or two then sniff and turn away from it by the 3rd or 4th day. I finally came across Canine Caviar Chicken and Pearl Millet. What drew my attention to it was the use of millet instead of other grains, potatoes, peas, or chickpeas as the carbohydrate source. I picked up a small bag and decided to give it a try. He has now been eating it for about 5 months now and has rarely not finished what is in his bowl.

    It wasn't until he had been eating it for about a month that I read this about millet from their website.




    Pearl Millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous, non-acid forming, beneficial to the stomach, spleen and pancreas, and is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available. Millet is a good source of fiber, a complete protein and is rich in phytochemicals, which lower cholesterol and the risk of cancer. Millet is one of the best grains for intestinal disorders and is ideal for the management of blood sugar.


    Only if applied to the cat or if it's ingested. So unless a cat might chew on it, Preventic collars are fine to use on the dogs even if there are cats in the home.

    That would be good news for those with cats. I think it was 3 years ago and last year I dealt with a terrible tick infestation. Both times were in the winter. I can't remember how I finally got rid of them the first time, but I remember finally breaking down and putting a Preventic collar on them and it didn't even phase the ticks. I believe now that I got collars that perhaps hadn't been stored properly and had lost their effectiveness, because when I experienced the last infestation it took just a few days after putting the collars on and I wasn't finding any more ticks.

    Another thing that I think has helped is restricting their access from a part of the yard I believe they were picking them up from.

  6. I wrap it in a mound of cheese.

    This is what I've been doing with the tramadol and all the other pills Nadir takes and he has never spit any back out. I wrap each tablet in a tiny piece of white american cheese and he just gobbles them down, one after the other.


    In early 2000, when Rickie was 22 months old, my parents were killed in a car crash and Rickie came to live with me. I had two old dogs at the time, and lost both of them that year as well. Rickie was my light.


    And so this afternoon, at 15 1/2, Rickie left my arms to fly back into the waiting arms of my dad. The joy of that reunion is the glue holding my heart together.





    My eyes are filled with tears for your losses, both past and present. :cry1:weep


  8. I usually give about a teaspoon to Nadir before meals when he starts having stomach problems. I just let him lick it right off the spoon. Sometimes though if his stomach is really upset he won't lick it, in those instances I rub it on his gums so he ends up eating it. I have seen him countless times walk away from his food, because his stomach has been hurting him, only to return and eat it after giving him Manuka honey. I make sure I always have at least 2 jars in my house so that I never run out.

  9. I went through something recently, although no where as serious, with Nadir. It seemed that everything he ate after about 3 days to a week would bother his stomach so he would stop eating it. I had bought so many different kibbles and canned foods as add-ins to tempt him to eat. I even tried two different hypo-allergenic diets, which resulted in bloody diarrhea. After having exhausted what I thought was every food I found Canine Caviar. I bought a small bag of chicken and pearl millet to try and it has been a huge success. He has been on it for about 3 months now without even adding any canned foods to entice him to eat. I do add a half teaspoon of Konsyl physillium husk fiber to his meals to help with his bowel movements, which for him tend to be on the constipated side. I know you said Sarge doesn't do well on chicken, but they have a lamb and pearl millet variety also and it is the millet I feel that has made the biggest difference for Nadir. This is information on millet from their website, which by the way I read after he had already been doing well on this food.


    Pearl Millet is highly nutritious, non-glutinous, non-acid forming, beneficial to the stomach, spleen and pancreas, and is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available. Millet is a good source of fiber, a complete protein and is rich in phytochemicals, which lower cholesterol and the risk of cancer. Millet is one of the best grains for intestinal disorders and is ideal for the management of blood sugar.


    Here is a link to the Lamb and Pearl Millet if you want to check out the ingredients:



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