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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I really want to find a palatable, chicken based food that is natural that I don't need to add to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I spent the first 6 months of Nadir's last year trying to get him to eat. It was a constant battle of changing foods and adding in extras to get him to eat. If he did eat he never finished it though. I then came across Canine Caviar Holistic Chicken and Pearl Millet and what a difference it made. For the first week I fed it I mixed in canned food, but after a week I stopped doing that and he never refused to eat any more. He started looking forward to eating and finished everything I gave him. His appetite was great with this food up to the day he died. I did add a tsp of psyllium fiber to his food at each meal, not because of soft poops, but because he tended to get constipated. You would probably have to order this food online, but it is definitely something I would try. For Nadir it was a lifesaver. I'm not sure how long he could have lasted not eating like he was prior to finding this food.

  2. Nancy, I'm sorry to hear Polly is not doing well :(. Is she still eating then same amount that use to maintain her weight? Will she eat more if you increase the amount? How are her stools, are they firm or more like cow patty plops? Just wondering if she's eating good, but not maintaining weight if something related to poor food absorption, like EPI is going on.

  3. Just for balance, I do feel it necessary to point out that many greyhounds - my own included - can take Tramadol with no adverse side effects. No anxiety, no sleepiness, just effective pain relief. I can't comment on the Rimadyl as I have no experience of that.

    Nadir was another hound that had no problems with tramadol. I was actually lucky in that aside from Nsaids he had no adverse affects to the numerous pain medications he took.

  4. So much of your description of Isabella reminds me of my own sweet Beanie, even her picture, so I know how very special she was to you and how much she shall be missed. It is a blessing indeed to have them share our lives.



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