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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I would urge you to consider looking into giving him the ubiqinol form of CoQ10. It has been shown to not only prevent heart disease, but reverse the effects of it. Below is an excerpt from the following website.





    Internationally, there have been at least nine placebo controlled studies on the treatment of heart disease with CoQ10:two in Japan,two in the United States, two in Italy, two in Germany, and one in Sweden. All nine of these studies have confirmed the effectiveness of CoQ10 as well as its remarkable safety. There have now been eight international symposia on the biomedical and clinical aspects of CoQ10 (from 1976 through 1993). These eight symposia comprised over 300 papers presented by approximately 200 different physicians and scientists from 18 different countries. The majority of these scientific papers were Japanese (34%), with American (26%), Italian (20%) and the remaining 20% from Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, Austria, France, India, Korea, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, USSR, and Finland. The majority of the clinical studies concerned the treatment of heart disease and were remarkably consistent in their conclusions: that treatment with CoQ10 significantly improved heart muscle function while producing no adverse effects or drug interactions. It should be mentioned that a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the blood thinner, coumadin, was noted in a case by a Norwegian clinician. This possible drug - CoQ10 interaction has not been observed by other investigators even when using much higher doses of CoQ10 for up to seven years and involving 25 patients treated with coumadin concomitantly with CoQ10 (this is still, as of this date, unpublished data).


    The efficacy and safety of CoQ10 in the treatment of congestive heart failure, whether related to primary cardiomyopathies or secondary forms of heart failure, appears to be well established. The largest study to date is the Italian multicenter trial, by Baggio et al., involving 2664 patients with heart failure.

  2. I've been following your thread from the very beginning and although I hadn't posted earlier my thoughts and healing wishes have been with Red. I'm so glad to know he is improving and pray it continues in that direction.

    I would also along with the others who've already mentioned it strongly encourage you to give him Manuka honey. It did wonders for the intestinal problems my grey Nadir suffered with. With him skipping a meal made things worse. I don't know how many times after refusing to eat because his stomach was troubling him I would give him a teaspoon or two of Manuka honey and he would almost immediately start eating. It seemed to soothe whatever was irritating his digestive tract.

  3. What a sweet face he has. It's sad about his owner dying and him ending up at the pound, but I wonder if the daughter even knew to call a greyhound group to return him to.

    I know this may sound crazy, but do his ears look like they've been cropped to anyone else besides me? I don't think I've ever seen such short ears on a greyhound.

  4. Jan, I can't answer which is best, but I have used both for Nadir with good results. I used a 16 UMF rated honey to heal a badly infected pressure sore and I used a 400+ MGO rated honey for his intestinal problems.

    Judy, thanks for the link to the article explaining the difference between the two. I'm going to make sure to bookmark it.


    Edited to correct MGO rate

  5. OK..............no fast shipping for me. I ordered about 10 days ago and nothing here yet. So far not impressed with their "fast shipping". It was 4 days after I placed the order that I got an email saying it had been shipped. Guess it was sent by turtle. Waiting.

    I would contact someone at Chewy about your order. The 4 days is understandable in that if you placed your order on a Thursday they would having delayed shipment until Monday, as they do not provide for weekend deliveries. Ten days however, is way too long even accounting for that.

  6. Sounds like something is going on with his stomach to cause him to refuse food. I'm glad your able to get him in early tomorrow. Hope your vet can figure out what is going on.

    If he's feeling sick after eating he's going to associate the food he's just eaten with the way he feels and thus not want to eat any more of it. I have found that Manuka honey works really well to soothe the digestive tract.

    Sending white light that it is nothing serious.


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