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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. This is probably no help at all, but DS takes 5mg a day to help with abdominal migraines. Has been a miracle for him and no side effects. He's a 120 lb teenager. Good luck!

    That helps very much as it sounds like he is taking it for the pain relief aspect, which is what Nadir would be taking it. My mother was telling me recently about an acquaintance of her's that had been suffering with such horrible abdominal pains that he was at the point of considering suicide. He had gone so far as having exploratory surgery and no explanation could be found for his pain until he went to see a specialist in Birmingham that deals in undiagnosed cases. He was told that there wasn't a problem with his stomach, which is why nothing was found during surgery, but with the nerves going to the stomach. He was prescribed amitriptyline and within 5 days he said the pain was gone. Which then got me thinking could the same thing be going on with Nadir's bladder, which on tests and ultrasound appears as normal. I then did a search and found that it has been prescribed for people that suffer from Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Disorder.


    Edited to add:

    Do you split the 10mg tablet, which is the smallest my vet was able to find, or do you have it compounded in the 5mg dose?

  2. I'm considering trying Nadir on amitriptyline for his bladder problem. I've read that it is prescribed at half the dosage it would normally be given as an anti-depressant to persons with overactive bladder, which describes Nadir's problem, as a result of Painful Bladder Disorder. It is also has been prescribed for cats and dogs to relieve bladder pain. My concern is the laundry list of adverse side effects it can have and was wondering if anyone's greyhound or other pet experienced anything negative while on it.

  3. First off, I'm really sorry this has happened to you. Next I would like to applaud you for keeping an open-heart and open-mind and not being so quick to want to put the blame of the incident on him and return him without a second thought. The only thing that concerns me is the fact that it sounds like you have banished him to a separate room and away from family members. I really hope you can find someone to help you work through his issues and gain an understanding of how he sees and interprets actions so that you are comfortable enough again for him to be in the same room with your family.

  4. Wishing happy holidays to you and your hounds.

    Henry is celebrating early, and giving Stewie a run for his money.



    He got so excited, his ears fell off. :lol

    No, no, that wasn't any accident. It was strategic planning at it's best on Henry's part. He was making his head more aerodynamic so that it would fit in the jar better to reach ALL of the peanut butter.

  5. I couldn't imagine hearing something so horrible when it's not what you expect to hear. Obie was a sweet and wonderful boy, I hope the good memories of him will one day overshadow and ease the pain of his sudden loss.

    Please take care of yourself, you've suffered many losses. :grouphug

  6. I'm so sorry this happened to you and Ernie. The way the guy high-tailed it out of there makes me wonder if this hasn't happened before with this dog. It sounds like the he got away from the guy when he attacked Ernie. Thankfully it wasn't worse than it was. I just hope it was an honest mistake in that the dog got away and he left because he's afraid of what might happen to his dog if he is cited for another attack. If that is the case I hope he's learned his lesson and is more cautious when he takes him out. Of course that is all speculation and the guy just may be a total jerk.

  7. Unka Lee sounded like such a wonderful person. I remember reading about him several times when enjoying the goings on of the WFUBCC. I'm so sorry for both your family's and his family's loss.

  8. Just want to say that it has been almost 14 hours since his buprenorphine injection and he has been up and there has been no panting as of yet. I started another thread because I'm wondering if the pain panting isn't from the thrombus, but something else going on.

    I also want to add that I would not force him to hang on like I did with Beanie if he wasn't doing so well between these spells. As long as I can control or eliminate his pain until I have an answer and hopefully then a solution I'd like to keep trying.

  9. Hawthorn, that was something on the lines of what I was thinking. I've tried eliminating foods, but honestly there is nothing left. I'm going to try the L-glutamine and see if that helps. I'm not comfortable using the slippery elm because I'm afraid it would interfere with the absorption of his other medicines he is on.


    Is there a test that can help in diagnosing leaky gut?

  10. He's had the standard bloodwork and urinalysis done. He had those done on a regular basis while being seen by Auburn and again in November about a month after his last visit to Auburn. They however were so focused on his thrombus that I don't feel they really looked into everything deep enough and did any type of specialized testing. Another thing I will add is that his bowel movements are not loose like is usual for a dog with IBD or IBS, it is the opposite he strains to go. I don't think fecal tests have been done, is there a specialty test I should inquire about.

  11. What testing aside from doing a biopsy could tell me if this is the direction I need to look into. Also what could cause a dog to develop allergies to one food after another? I say allergies because these were foods he had no problem with for long periods of time. He then started having the urinary issues which resolved as soon as I removed the offending food item. All would go well for a good period of time and the problem would start again. I would do an elimination diet again, find the problem food and once removed the issue would resolve. The problem is he seems to have run out of everything I can feed him and I have tried everything. This last food, Canine Caviar Chicken and Pearled Millet, didn't stop the urination problem, but did stop the heavy panting he would do whenever out to go to the bathroom. Now after feeding this food for about 2-1/2 months I'm seeing signs of trouble again and that's why I am wondering if the budesonide wouldn't be worth a try.

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