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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't. It's not like he'd be doing it for free like he used to do for greyhounds. A bone is a bone and osteo is osteo no matter what the breed. I think as long as the consultation fee is paid he would give an opinion.

    If I remember correctly from what has been posted the fee is $125 for the consult.

  2. I know how you feel.


    George has similar problems--not quite as bad, yet. But I own my condo, and it's up three flights of stairs, and I cannot carry 64 pounds up the stairs. I suppose I could, in a life or death situation once, but not the five times a day he goes out.


    I know that he will end up leaving me sooner than he would have to if I had a home with a yard and a way to get him in and out without the stairs, and it breaks my heart because I used to own a condo WITH AN ELEVATOR. I moved because I didn't like my neighbors. I still have whacko neighbors at the new place, but no elevator!



    It always makes me so sad for people in this situation. It's like your being cheated out of that extra time.

  3. As others have said video it if you can. I wonder too what other abuses he had to endure before he was hung that could also cause something like this. A neuro consult would definitely be a good idea.

    Iker and others like him are very blessed to have someone like you.

  4. :( Alicia, I had read about Henry in Training and Behavior and was hoping that it wasn't medical when that was brought up. I'm sending lots of white light and healing thoughts his way in the event he should need it. :hope:candle


    Mary, how is Jaynie doing? Has she got her appetite back yet? Adding healing thoughts and white light for her and all others battling that awful disease. :hope:candle

  5. I'm still concerned, but you all are making me feel a little bit better. I just got a message from the vet. He's not concerned with the bloody or protein levels. He feels this is a result of the collection method, cystocentesis. He's waiting on a consultation with the lab about the bilirubin.

    Superchem panel from 6/7

    AST (SGOT) was 103 U/L with range of 15-66

    Bilirubin was 0.4 mg/dL range of 0.1-0.3


    There were no WBC or bacteria present in the urinalysis. As far as bilirubin in the urine is there a certain level at which one should be concerned?

    One other thing, which I don't know if somehow is related, but I've noticed him several times forcefully swallowing several times over and over, as if he had a lump in his throat.

  6. Well it looks like problems are now starting for Chase. He went in this past Thursday to have his teeth cleaned and a growth removed from his lip. That morning I noticed his urine had a rusty looking color to it so I had them do another urinalysis to compare with the one that was done on June 7th. Both were done by Antech.


    Protein was 3+ up from 1+

    Bilirubin was 3+ up from 2+

    Blood was 3+ up from NEG

    RBC was >50 HPF up from None


    Vet is going to call today to discuss these results.

    From what I've read I'm possibly dealing with an issue with his liver or bile duct.

    I'm really tired of my dogs being sick, or should I now say dog since I've only got one left. The one bit of good news is that the biopsy on the growth came back as a benign melanocytoma.

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