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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Thank you everybody for your kind thoughts. Although I know now that I made the only right decision in letting him go at that time I also know that my decision to have the diuresis done is what caused the catastrophic event that forced me to make that decision. Letting him go was something I had been keeping in the front of my mind and preparing for. I wish I could have given him the peaceful passing that I was able to give Bruiser.


    I can't help to interpret the results any further, although I do have to wonder if there still wasn't some underlying disease causing all of these issues that no one knew about. I just don't know enough about veterinary care to have any clue.

    This was the main reason I had the necropsy done. I waa really hoping to get some answers that would shed light on an underlying cause that was driving these issues. It's funny, even after his death I don't want to give up searching for something that may have helped him.

  2. I had so many questions about the health issues that plagued Nadir and eventually brought on his death that I decided to have a necropsy done on him.. I needed to know if I had made the right decision to let him go when I did or did I short change him by not putting him in ICU and fight to extend his life. I also was hoping to find answers that might help others facing similar health issues with their greyhounds.

    It took 3 months to get the final report back, but it tells me I had a very sick boy and I made the right decision not to force him to live for my own selfish reasons any longer. I also hope that this will help others who are dealing with unexplained urinary issues. No one, even the specialists, could tell me what why he was having the problems he was having. Lab work and ultrasounds didn't show anything that would account for what I best can describe as urge incontinence. I don't know how many times that it was attributed to a behavioral problem. I knew my boy though and knew this was not the case.

    Below is the information from the report. As I suspected he did have IBD along with failing kidneys and heart.



    Marked glomerularosclerosis with focal capsular mineralization; multifocal lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis with fibrosis

    Marked pulmonary congestion

    Mild myocardial adipose deposition

    Marked splenic congestion; focal siderotic plaque

    Marked hepatic congestion

    Mild lymphoplasmacytic gastritis

    Decreased exocrine pancreatic zymogen granules

    Sections of brain, small intestine, and colon demonstrate no significant abnormalities



    The histopathological lesions in the kidney are consistent with chronic end-stage renal disease. There is histopathological evidence of some fatty deposition within the myocardium, which can been associated with cardiomyopathy. The widespread vascular congestion is consistent with cardiovascular insufficiency. The decreased granules in the exocrine pancreas are suggestive of recent anorexia.


    If anyone has any thoughts or comments to expound on this information that may be of help to others please post them here.

  3. Yes. Nadir developed intolerances to fish, beef, and lamb among other foods that resulted in increased urination. I knew it was the food, because whenever I would stop feeding it the problem would go away. The first issue was with rice though. He had gotten so bad that he was urinating in his sleep. I'm not talking an incontinence type of dribbling, this was a full out flood that would suddenly awaken him. This was after being on heavy duty antibiotics for several months even though he was never diagnosed with a UTI. The vet I was taking him to at the time wanted me to start feeding him a prescription kidney food. I chose to feed him a homecooked diet instead. He had been eating a lamb and rice kibble when I switched him to a diet of ground beef and rice, however the problem persisted even after over a month of this change. I then remembered reading that certain foods could cause allergy problems that could affect different organs so I switched him to a grain-free diet. Within 5 days of taking him off rice, which was the only common denominator in his diet, the problem stopped. He went from having several accidents every day to being able to hold it all day when I went to work. I've urged people to try an elimination diet to see if a particular food was causing the problem when posting about their greys sudden urination issues that couldn't be explained by a UTI diagnosis.

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