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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I've been trying to remember where I had seen a picture of a black greyhound wearing a peace collar. I had been wondering if it was a picture of your girl. I finally found it last night as I was going through the Spring catalog of Springtime supplements. On page 17 a picture of your Peace and Luka together. :wub:

  2. I can't speak to a chicken intolerance, but Brandi's inappropriate urination has been linked to diet.



    This was the same with Nadir. If he ate even the smallest amount of something he was intolerant to the effects would show that same day with urination issues. What was even worse is that he gained intolerances to other foods over time.


    I know I mention this a lot, but Manuka honey really does help with IBD issues. It wasn't confirmed until after his necropsy that Nadir actually had a form of IBD, although I had suspected it all along. I would give him Manuka honey whenever he had a flare up and this seemed to be a big help in easing the symptoms and giving him his appetite back.

  3. Remembering having read the story of how she came to you made her passing hit that much harder. I'm so sorry that your precious girl was taken too soon by cancer.

    I have no doubt though that in her last moments she did look back and thought how very lucky she was to have spent those years with you.


  4. ***it could be lymphoma they are checking on, my brain tends to shut down when I hear bad words.

    As much as I didn't want my mind to go there this was my immediate thought when I read that all lymph nodes were swollen. :(

    Edited to add hope for a more optimistic outcome. :hope:candle

  5. Thank you everyone for the kind words.


    I like to imagine that he is with my father now, looking down on us.

    When I saw George's name here the first thing that came to mind was your father and George keeping him company now even if he is only there in mind or heart. I hope that brings you a measure of comfort in your loss. It's tough losing someone you loved so much even when you know your doing the right thing for them.



  6. I've found myself lately in the same situation. I found a food that I have fed Chase and had been having trouble getting at a store that has it discounted because they are no longer going to carry it. They have them reduced from $60 to $38. So far I've bought (3) 25lb bags and after reading kronckew's post I think I'm going to call and see if they will hold the remaining bags for me to pick up tomorrow.

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