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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. I am impressed!!! Love it!!!! hmmm first gangnum style now the butt slam...waiting for it to go viral
  2. How about the "hug" command?" We taught Lexie how to "give a hug" by coming over and leaning into us how greyhounds lean. It is pretty cool to show off to people...lol
  3. Lexie's corn looks like a small pebble in the pad of her foot. She limps on the tile floor and when I press on it it bothers her.
  4. So so sorry (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  5. I just read your post now. I am so sorry this happened to chevy. (((((((((prayers))))))))))) for a speedy recovery.
  6. You can put them in the dishwasher. I never knew that until someone told me. I put 1/2 banana in there with some yogurt and even just kibble and yogurt. I have 3 kongs. It makes life so much easier..lol
  7. I use to carry a water bottle with some vinegar in it but I have been lax lately. I probably should start carrying it again.
  8. (((((((((((((((((((((((prayers)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  9. I feed nutro venison and didn't receive any recall info. I am on the notification list. I don't know what to believe now.
  10. I had a dog who use to puke up bile each morning. The vet said to feed a little piece of bread before bed time. She never puked bile again. Maybe give that a try. Bile is so hard to get out of carpets. My carpet cleaner use to tell me to use club soda or dawn dishwashing liquid with water. When he would come out to clean the carpets the leftover stains came right up.
  11. Lexie gets one hulled and there were never any bandages. I don't think there should be any bleeding. Lexie usually gets relief right away, just maybe some soreness for one day after. Although a few times she didn't get any relief but she wasn't worse.
  12. Lexie loves blueberries as well as all other fruit. Yes, they are safe.
  13. Glad he is back upstairs. You made me think about what I would do if my dh weren't home. I know I couldn't lift Lexie myself.
  14. If he has back issues lifting him may hurt. What time will dh be home? Bring a tv down there...lol
  15. If he is having back issues maybe stay down there with him til dh comes home?
  16. Lexie once got sunburn on her legs..they always look so transparent anyway. The vet said to use a baby safe sunscreen. She has senstitive skin and the neutrogena baby lotion one works well.
  17. Dudley rest up and heal fast. We want your wagger in tip top shape for Rocket and Lexie's wedding.
  18. WTG milo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. She looks like she is going to rule the roost Congrats and welcome!
  20. Lexie has used tylan powder on and off for 4 years. It works great. My vet gave me this mixture to use....so it isn't bitter when u mix it with their food. Mix 1 Tablespoon Tylan powder with 9 Tablespoons of cornstarch. Dose...1/2 teaspoon-1 teaspoon per meal. Lexie was getting fed twice a day. We also use vetri probiotic chews and they have helped too.
  21. See if you can find an assisted living place that will let you "practice" there. We did that with Lexie before she passed her test. A lot of places don't require a dog to be certified. They just want up to date vaccinations.I am not sure which therapy group you are training with but with TDI part of the test was the owner had to go in another room and the dog wasn't allowed to whine. You may want to work on that at home and reward with "love" No treats are allowed to use during the test. I never understood about having to be in another room because when you are doing "visits" you are not allowed to be away from your dog..lol.. Good luck...Time and practice will work. The hardest for Lexie was the "leave it" command. i practiced it more than 20 times a day with her for 2 weeks ..She never forgot it..lol.
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