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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. This is really hard for me to post this. Albi's vet came to our house Saturday morning, June 16, to send Albi peacefully to the bridge. He is pain free now and reunited with Marvin, Mickey, Ramm and Ruby. On June 8th he couldn't use his only front leg, screamed in pain, we found out he had degenerated discs in his neck, his vet thought they were pressing on the nerve and causing pain. By Tuesday he couldn't walk and within the week he had deteriorated greatly to the point where we knew it was time. She now thinks there had to be a tumor on his spine. To read his thread in Health and medical click this link http://forum.greytal...ll-disc-issues/ We adopted Albi as a puppy from Jersey Shore Animal Center. A member of one of the Italian Greyhound message boards posted the petfinder link in Off Topic for the Borzoi Saluki mix puppies there. The shelter wasn't too far from us, we decided to go take a look at them and we filled out an application, we picked him up on Valentine's Day, 2004. He was a joy to have around, loved all people and would greet you by putting his paws on your shoulders. He loved his greyhound brothers Marvin and Ramm and his greyhound sisters Ruby and Kassie. He was a tall, big boy, 100 pounds of love, he was a talker and a big smiler. He would sleep with us and we had to buy a king size bed to accomodate him. He would also scold us when we came home if we were gone too long (a Costco shopping trip!). He was our baby dog and is deeply loved and will always be missed. Albi has been through a lot this past year, he broke his leg May 19, 2011, had his amputation for osteosarcoma on May 25, 2011 and then went through several surgeries for MRSA. He was very brave boy and we are heartbroken. First day home 2/14/2004 Albi (almost a year old) with Kassie, Ramm, Ruby and Marvin, 11/13/2004 Albi, 4/20/2011 a month before he broke his leg 5/25/2012 one year post amputation
  2. NancyB


    Happy bridge birthday Jewell
  3. Albi has not been well since Friday afternoon. He tried to come in the house up the two steps (he has to hop on his only front leg), screamed in pain and we had to help him in. Called the vet, she upped his Tramadol and Gabapentin dose and said it sounded like neck. He did not get any better, kept in touch with the vet over the weekend, we kept hoping something would change but every time we tried to get him up to go out he would scream and do it the whole way out side, we were supporting him with sheets and towels. Monday, after I brought Kassie in to the vet's office for fluids I borrowed their stretcher, John came home early and we took Albi in. They took some x-rays and we found out he has some degenerated discs in his neck and the nerve there is being pinched and causing the pain. She gave him a steroid shot, sent us home with prednisone, upped his Gabapentin to 600 mg three times a day, told me not to give him his Metacam, kept him on his Tramadol and increased his Pepcid. That night when we took him out, he could stand longer and even though he was screaming we thought the steroids would start to help. Yesterday we couldn't get his hind end up. He hadn't really slept Monday night, he was whining during the night and kept whining during the day and wasn't sleeping. Kept the vet updated and she told me to give him his Metacam which I did at 6 PM. That clearly made him more comfortable, he ate all of his dinner and fell asleep around 7:30. I laid down next to him around 11 PM he did some whining and finally fell back to sleep. This morning when John came downstairs at 5:30 AM we tried to get him up and we couldn't. We got him in a sheet, used it like a stretcher and took him out. We couldn't get him to stand, he was struggling so much he swung his head around, caught John next to his eye and it was bleeding. We couldn't get him up outside, finally got him back in and he's been sleeping. I talked to the vet at 8:30 this morning and she she asked me to squeeze his back toes, his feet pulled back so he does have feelings there. She said to give him another dose of Metacam this morning, and also said we'll give it one more day and if he doesn't improve that will be it. For anyone that doesn't know, Albi is a Borzoi Saluki mix and just celebrated his one year (May, 25) left front leg amputation for osteosarcoma. We found out last July that he has spinal arthritis. He's a big boy, 100 pounds and has been doing really well until recently. I even took him to the vet last week for a checkup and other than some tummy rumblings and struggling a little to get his hind end up, he seemed great, even his lungs. He has been through a lot this past year and now it seems like we will loose him to disc issues. Has anyone here had a dog with disc issues this severe and they've improved?
  4. I'm so sorry. Sending hugs for Tommy
  5. OMG I'm so sorry MP! Sending good thoughts for you and Crystal.
  6. Sending good thoughts for Shelby. I'm glad she's home and I hope she continues to improve.
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