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Everything posted by MarcR

  1. Nadia never laid down, but she had to make sure to sniff each and every pee-mail.
  2. She has indeed captured the heart and soul of Aiden. It shines through his eyes.
  3. I'm a subscriber and I didn't even see a link. Thanks for posting it
  4. A "perfect" smile is greatly overrated. As long as you can eat your food, they are just right...
  5. You need a scarf for her that says "Please pet this dog. " Reminds me a bit of another greyhound we both know, eh?
  6. A sign without doubt and a comfort to know Sweep has arrived safely at the bridge.
  7. Who knew Punkin was prescient? Glad the iPhone survived and the loons didn't make off with it Also happy that Punkin is OK.
  8. The loons are cool. At first I thought it was something underwater - maybe a small Nessy. Does that make me a bit of a loon?
  9. Maybe the bears in those woods are using the portapotties?
  10. Looks like a nice spot for a walk. Of course the girls only went ankle deep. It was clearly KNOT a giant water dish I do like "Mayhem Manor" for the new camp name.
  11. Four foot double picket fence. The staggered pickets block the view but not the air. Bonus: It's "good" on both sides. You can see it behind Myun...
  12. It was such a great story that never gets old with the retelling. Lilly and Whiskey will be in our hearts always.
  13. Forget Paddy Mayhem? NEVER!! I'd be more likely to forget my own name.
  14. Glad you all enjoyed the video. It was fun to make. I offered her a taste, but she was having none of it.
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