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Everything posted by MarcR

  1. Tunes for "leaf season" (With apologies to the Mamas and Papas) All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown) And the poop is too (and the poop is too) I had to stop at least three times to clean off my shoe I really wouldn't mind it (really wouldn't mind it) But they are brand new Cleaning up the backyard On an autumn afternoon It's The Most Dangerous Time of the Year It's the most dangerous time of the year All the leaves are a-blowin' The poop isn't showin' Is it safe to step here? It's the most dangerous time of the year
  2. That looks great and seems to have the girls seal of approval.
  3. Excellent. Enjoy the new heels, as my mom used to say, in good health
  4. Congrats on the new BOH or would that be the new love-mobile? What year is it (or did I miss that)? That poster was for sure a sign, eh?
  5. Well done, Annie. And a most excellent poem. The way Aiden snuggles with Annie is the way Kara used to snuggle with Honey
  6. Unless you want thr manual for the fun of it, modern automatics are not the gas wasters they used to be.
  7. Cool. FWIF, my granddaughter has a Nissan Rogue. I've had a few rides in it. It's a nice ride.
  8. I could accommodate three hounds in the back of a '99 Pontiac Grand Prix I agree, get what you want.
  9. Unless, of course, he uses his nonstop tail
  10. I'd err on the side of caution and chuck it.
  11. Whap... whap... whap... very special. IIRC, Cletus is part Lab. I think the tail is the Lab part
  12. Pretty obvious Cletus in unphased by tornado warnings. Excellent roach. Did the hounds teach him? Weird enough that Cletus would sit on another dog while wagging his tail. Even weirder that the hound seems KNOT to object. I think the both ain't right
  13. One of my girls dislocated a toe. While I was on the phone making a vet appointment, she fixed herself. She had no further problems,with it. That said, a dislocation may make the toe more susceptible to future dislocation. As mentioned above, losing a nail easily may signal SLO, so watch for any further loss.
  14. Nobody told me about the blood curdling GSOD - greyhound scream of death. It seems that the more trivial the injury, the more nerve shattering the GSOD.
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