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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I love the story of how Peace came into your life and am so sorry you had to say goodbye to her.
  2. My boy had what the neurologist believed to be a Transient Ischaemic Attack two years ago. Different symptoms from your boy (depends where the clot is - my boy's was thought to be in his brain stem) but he recovered fully within a week. Not sure I'd be doing an MRI if your boy is already recovering. Sending good wishes to you and Optimus - I know what a scary time it must be for both of you.
  3. I'm so sorry to read this - George will be missed by so many.
  4. Well I think this is the part of your self you should listen to. Just give into the cuteness now. Resistance is futile. Seriously, though, this is exactly how I feel. My first greyhound wasn't allowed to sleep with me on my bed. Then for the last four days of his life I let him and he was so happy. When he was gone, I really regretted not allowing him to sleep with me all his life, but it was too late then. This is why all my subsequent hounds have been allowed to sleep with me if they want to. Easy for me to say, though, as I am "retired" and don't need to worry so much about getting a good night's sleep.
  5. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Brady - what a beautiful face he has.
  6. I am so sorry to read this. Cooper was far too young.
  7. So sorry for your loss of your very pretty little girl.
  8. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Jackie - she was very beautiful.
  9. My first greyhound used to do this. He was the sweetest, gentlest soul but if any strange man (usually a tradesperson of some description such as a plumber) came into the house he would sneak up behind them and try to nip their behind! Once I realised what he was up to I just used to gate him in another room for his own safety whilst they were there. It seemed like a suspicious, protective behaviour to me, at least in my boy's case. My boy was fine with regular visitors once he knew them so I didn't consider it anything to worry about.
  10. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Tasha.
  11. A beautiful tribute to your special boy ~ what a journey you travelled together.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Misha.
  13. I'm so sorry to read this. Rest in peace, Pepper.
  14. Poodle sounds like such a wonderful little character and I'm sorry he had to leave. I used to have poodles and will always have a soft spot for them.
  15. Rest in peace handsome Moose and condolences to all who knew and loved you.
  16. Do you use spot-on flea/tick treatments? Some of these can cause alopecia. Frontline is one. I found this out when my two both started losing hair around their necks. I read the information leaflet for Frontline and sure enough alopecia is stated as one of the possible side effects. When I reduced use of Frontline the hair grew back.
  17. When one of my greyhounds partially ruptured a tendon a greyhound vet told me that on leash walking was fine but to avoid running at all costs for six months.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss of handsome Paul.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss of Rue.
  20. When Sophie had stitches on the inside of her thigh, I cut the arm off an old sweatshirt leaving some long ties, and tied it loosely around her waist. It did the job nicely and she wasn't bothered by it at all, as you can see. Would something like this work? Might not be quite so easy with a boy but you might be able to figure something out.
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