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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. no advice but wanted send well wishes
  2. Cat goes in for her Spay, teeth cleaning , and rabies shot Wed (24th). I am sure all will be fine but I figure postive thougthts/vibes cant hurt
  3. Hugs all. Good luck. I hope you will be able to get it all worked out. Prayers to you
  4. sorry to hear this. Hope he gets better soon
  5. hope this time is all you will have to deal with theis. Hugs to all of you
  6. no advice but wanted to send prayers and well wishes
  7. It's a collar to prevent ticks rather than fleas...that may make the difference. correct flee are BAD but tick are ok
  8. yep makes sence to me. hugs to you and her
  9. as others said she wil be fine 2 wont hurt.
  10. Cassie (female, almost 8, on soloxin for thyroid) was on a walk all the sudden she holds her right front paw up and cant seen to put any weight on it she just collapses it. I check pad and nothing there... rotate leg with no issues... Put foot down try to get her to walk she takes a few steps still collapsing leg then she starts the same thing with her back right leg. I get in her face and its like her eyes are just fixed. Then she starts circling to the right 3 or 4 times. I hold her still for a few min and start walking her forward now she is walking on all legs but keeps listing to the right. She did this once about 8 months ago but we were at home. This and the one 8 mo ago lasted about 4 min then all is well. Any Ideas?
  11. Hope she feels comfie soon. Hugs to her and you
  12. I will keep her in my thoughts tomorrow am and continue till she is healed. Psi lost 7" off his tail. Healed wonderfully and we have never had any more problems with it
  13. I use them for advantage and Sentenl and have had no problems.
  14. glad he is home with you and prayers for quick heaing and a good path report
  15. great advice above. Glad to hear he is doing so well
  16. unfortunatly I have lots of drain exp. what your doing is all i did. and yep it heals nicely edited to add. I always hate how much they shave but hearing your story im glad they do
  17. all guess here but the post above about pre medicating sounds good to me. sending good thoughts to you and easy revovery for your pup
  18. poor boy hope you can find out what is causing it
  19. hugs to you and prayers for a easy trip to the bridge
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