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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Right - I'm off to look - thank youuuu
  2. Sign up immediately! Do it nowwwwwwwwwwwwww. (And then report back to tell us you've done it).
  3. Sorry for the delay! I needed to wait for Marc to do the video's because it's toooo technical for meeeee. I can do pics but that's it So, today is day 6 post amp. I can't say that today has been fantastic, not has it been terrible. It's just....been. I have to say though that today as I watched her laying on her side, awake but just doing nothing at all, I did wonder whether we'd made the right choice. I hope she gets some time after her recovery where she can run and play and feel happy again. I'd hate to have put her through all this and for all her remaining times to be like they are at the moment. There was one good moment during the middle of the day when she got up to get her share of pork sandwich from Marc, but the hassle of getting up, standing up and going to Marc meant that she didn't have any energy/co-ordination to actually eat the titbit when she stood there so she went back to bed and Marc gave it to her there. The video clip IS HERE. (I like this clip because it shows how the other dogs are behaving around her) She had a couple of garden visits (initiated by us) and then this afternoon, we made her go for a walk, as per yesterdays routine. First, some piccies of her on her walk. But once again, no walking took place during the pics Hopefully, you'll be able to see just how little bruising is left now. It's amazing! And then there is the video clip. I have to say that the funniest bit is of Marc, towards the end CLICK HERE FOR CLIP
  4. I have video and pics from todays Walk. Come back and seeeeeeeee soon
  5. Bevd


    Hello Nicki (Everyone - this is the Doyle Dogs' Aunty Nicki)
  6. Everyone - this is Darcy's Aunty Nicki (who has posted an intro in te intro forum but it doesn't seem to have appeared yet)
  7. Bevd


    I'm very sorry Vince He was a lucky boy to spend his last years as part of your pack
  8. That was coming back from bye bye Patti And yes, a day makes a very big difference! You should see the bruising today - or rather lack of it. I'll try to get a pic later.
  9. I just got excited because Darcy squeaked and made as if she wanted to go out so I helped her out and she did a poo I knew you would want to know this as it shows that my life too revolves around poo
  10. Good girl Laceyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. I have just sent an email off, asking about dose and how best to administer it.
  12. I think thats exactly what you have to do - eat whatever it is that you fancy, regardless! It's what we did from mid week last week (two lots of chinese and one lot of indian). No way could I apply myself to preparing meals so I needed someone else to do it for me and just put it in front of me. I love take outs Sending good thoughts to you and to Peatie
  13. If only I enjoyed adult beverages, now would be a good time to have a few This is the video clip we took today when we went for walkies CLICK FOR CLIP
  14. For me? Now, she's having her nap after eating a good dinner
  15. Ah yes. The nap. It didn't quite work out that way (why does that come as no surprise...) I got concerned that her heart rate seemed high and that her breathing was very fast - not open mouthed panting but fast closed mouthed breathing. I watched for a while and she seemed a little aggitated. Called the vet and got a answermachine. This has NEVER happened before in all the years we have used this practice. If it's out of hours, the call gets transferred to the vets mobile phone. Anyway, I thought I must have misdialed so I did it again - and it was the same Third time I called I left a message, assuming that he was stuck in some emergency situation (but really, he'd get someone else to answer his phone if he couldn't so this didn't really feel right). After about an hour (and Darcy was the same - not distressed but with me not being 100% happy with her) we decided to go to the vets anyway because there is always a nurse there even if the vet is at home (out of hours). Got to the vets, saw the nurse, she called the vet on his home number (he lives about 10 mins away) and got him in. Turns out there was a problem with the emergency phone divert thingy - and there was no sign of my message which I left The vet examined Darcy, listened to her heart and lungs etc and said they were fine. Her heart rate is up a bit but its to be expected. Took her temperature and found that to be slightly raised (just over a degree). The wound itself is healing fine and doesn't look to be infected at all. She's got some shaving rash from the clippers and this is obviously irritating her. She's got some cream for the shaved area and she had a long lasting antibiotic and then she demonstrated her walking on the way out (well, on the way in too but we were already inside the vets when he arrived so he didn't see much of it then) and he said that she was doing well and was pleased with her. He's still going to see her at her previously arranged appointment on Tuesday at 4pm. (Are we having fun yet?)
  16. Glad to hear that she's eating and drinking nicely More good thoughts coming from our house to yours.
  17. Hot off the press Patsy! Afternoon (And welcome to day 5, post amp) We decided that Darcy needed a bit of a boost and a bit of 'normality' in an attempt to lift her mood and get her going a little bit so, given the fact that when we take her out to the front garden, she makes for the car, we decided to take her in the car, to our normal walking area. We knew that the walk she did would be far from normal but at least she would feel that it's somewhere familiar and it's more interesting than our back or front garden. So we got her up (reasonably easily) and she walked out to the car and then Marc lifted her into the boot. Mistake one occurred here. Should have allowed for some toileting time in the front garden Set off to the walkies area and marvelled/trembled at Darcy standing up in the boot whilst the car was moving. Then got the smell and realised that a slight toileting accident had occurred. Stopped car and did things with plastic bags. Continued journey (with windows open) and arrived at walking location. Marc carried Darcy out of the boot and she walked over to the start of the grassy area and did a walk. She did a bit of sniffing and walked about 30' and then decided she'd had enough and lay down to eat some grass and take in the view (but mainly to eat grass). Then we made our (very short) way back to the car and I video'd her doing this. As Darcy reached the boot of the car I stopped videoing and I really wish I hadn't because as Marc opened the boot and then when to lift her in - she climbed in herself She came home, walked over to her bed and lay down and had a big drink. I'm not expecting her to move again until tea time which I think is fair enough after her big efforts today Here are a few piccies and I'll add the video clips later. Not walking but sitting pretty "It's nice here but I'm a touch tired so can we go back now?" Back home, very tired and with T shirt removed because it needs washing Massive improvement in the bruising today. It's amazing how much better it is than yesterday "Thank you for checking up on me. I'm going for a kip now" :yawn:
  18. Really thinking of you and sending many positive thoughts
  19. Let it be known that Darcy has got up unaided - and of her own free will - twice - this afternoon She also enjoyed her visit from Aunty Nicki "I don't mind walking with Aunty Nicki but Daddy - your slippers are just too embarassing to be seen next to" "they really are quite gross" "Look at meeeeeeee everyone! This is meeee being pretty in pink" "I love you Daddy" (As long as I don't look down and clap eyes on those slippers) "Me, in bed with my new pink bear from Aunty Nicki" wmlcml6 - thanks, I do have some arnica
  20. We had a t shirt change earlier and this is what's underneath today (avert your eyes if necessary because it's a wound/bruising pic) Thats a bit colourful, isn't it No further movement as yet, but Aunty Nicki should be arriving soon so you never know...
  21. Humour me - I'm having fun outside of the health forum for a moment I thought we could all fill in this little thingy because you never know - it *might* come in handy for your Secret Santa(s) if they want to include something for YOU in the package. So, copy and paste the list and then fill in the blanks What is your favourite:- Colour Savoury food Chocolate Cookie Stuff to put in the bath Stuff to use in the shower Smell Scented candle Photograph of your dog(s)? Type of jewellery Style of ornament Style of festive decoration Television programme (present) Television programme (past) Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate) (I'll be back to paste and fill my list in later!)
  22. It's true and I have done that before - but - one thing to bear in mind is that in some cases, people who register for overseas SS-ing, do so because they would like to send and or receive goods that they can't actually get in their own country so it may be that some secret elf type work is needed to find out what the recipient would really love.
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