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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. It *is* possible that the spot could be an infection rather than something else. Whatever it is, I'm adding my good thoughts
  2. They did x-rays of his chest and abdomen and found nothing strange. His lymph glands seem fine. He's not got a temperature or and all his bloods seem to say that all his important bits are working as they should. The dog is a medical mystery We're going to do a poo sample (3 samples, 48 hours apart) and on Monday I'll be discussing with the vet whether we should give him pain medication daily for a couple of weeks and see if he starts to put some weight back on. He is probably also going to be referred for an MRI scan (not sure if you call it the same thing but hopefully you do!). Wallace is now home and has eaten his dinner and is now asleep Thank you all for your good wishes and support
  3. I've stopped whizzing around for a moment (before going off to create a light diet party dinner). There is no evidence of a bone tumour No evidence of arthritis Whist he's under they are going to xray his chest and abddomen because we still need to find the cause of his weight loss. The senior vet (my normal vet) is still concerned that there may be a neurological cause. (Not sure what that specifically means but will find out if necessary) All thyroid levels are normal White blood count has gone down a bit from 4.6 at last test to 3.6 now but thats still within the normal range for a greyhound (albeit the low range). As well as the above x rays, I've asked that they do any other test whilst he's asleep (eg ultrasound if necessary) which they think may help pinpoint the cause of his symptoms. I've also asked them to clean his teeth if they get time :laugh: I'll let you know when the next call comes in. Re-commence dancing
  4. NO EVIDENCE OF BONE CANCER!!!!! The birthday party is back on More when we've stoped whizzing around the room
  5. We're back from dropping Wallace off. I feel really sorry for the staff. Wallace has the worlds worst bottom I have ever encountered. I think it may be a result of his early birthday food The hospital 'ward' is quite small and is located in a basement so they could all well get gassed Wallace is in the company of a little shih tzu (who's voice is still ringing in my ears). She'll be spayed first, then someone else is being castrated and then it's Wallace's turn. The vet is consulting till 11am so I'm not expecting any call until at least 12 noon. The form I signed gave consent for x-rays and possible amputation (depending on what is seen on the x rays). If the leg x ray looks lovely that will be great. Actually, it will be party time. If the leg xray is suspicious, a chest x ray will be done. If the chest x ray looks good but the leg doesn't then the amputation will take place. If both leg and chest don't look good there won't be an amputation but Wallace will come home (on suitable pain medication) for some fun times and lots of chicken and cake. If things look utterly dire, then Wallace will stay asleep. Right. Two hours to...erm...pass.
  6. Thanks everyone We've been discussing the various different scenarios for tomorrow and working out which way we would proceed, given each scenario. Who knows whether our choices are the right ones. All we can do now is wait until tomorrow and then see what happens when the call comes through from the vets. We're dropping Wallace off just before 9am and then I'll have to sit here like piffy on an uncomfortable rock until they call. Tonight though, I can report that Wallace ate a huge dinner (and made his belly look very round indeed) and once Marc was back from the hospital (his Dad is still in), Wallace finally settled down and went to sleep. The painkillers have certainly worked because he's been walking fine on his leg tonight and he climbed up to look out of the window a couple of times whilst Marc was out. I'll keep you posted tomorrow.
  7. That's made me giggle Mary The other thing that's made me giggle is my subtitle - concerning update When do I ever use the word concerning I mean, it is concerning, obviously, but still, it's a stupid word to use in these circumstances (I think I may be having a bizarre reaction to the stresses of it all). What you don't know is that it's Wallace's 10th birthday tomorrow. So..um, we've just had his party, a day early because one way or another, he may not be able to have it tomorrow. I took pics and am uploading them at the moment. I'll do a thread in EEG once I've finished. ( )
  8. I've sat here for a few minutes trying to word this but the upshot is that yes, as we thought this morning, Wallace has a swelling around his front right distal radius (near the wrist) and top of the list for what it may be, has to be osteosarcoma (vets words, not mine). Wallace has had two types of pain killers (one being an opiate) and tomorrow morning he's going back to the vets for x-rays. If the offending area looks clear, then fine. (Well, not fine, but much better). If it looks suspicious, then they'll also x-ray his chest. Marc and I need to sit down this evening and work out our plan of action for various different results. More in a bit when I've got my thoughts together.
  9. We seem to have a problem with Wallace and he has an appointment to be seen at 2.40pm. He seems to have a swelling of one of his joints on his front right leg and he's been squeaking when he tries to move. He's been panting and looking very unhappy, which is all new behaviour. He also looks dehydrated around his face and neck area. The results of his blood tests are not yet back from the lab. Wish us luck.
  10. Have a look at this link http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...9&hl=packet You may find that there is information in there regarding albumin levels in greyhounds but regardless, its a very informative packet which you can give to your vet (as I have this week)
  11. The words I remember from the post above are ALL CLEAR
  12. I too am so sorry to read your news Maddison had bone cancer (fibrosarcoma, not osteo) and he wasn't a candidate for amputation due to the location of the tumour. I think we had about 6 weeks after the final diagnosis before the we needed to make the call. My only advice is for you to dry your tears now and really concentrate on having the most fantastic times - all full of love and treats and chicken and steak and ice cream and walks in nice places and fun with friends and of course lots and lots of pictures and video clips.
  13. Wallace has been back to the vets this morning for repeat bloods and also more blood for a full thyroid panel. The results for both should be back within a few days. Wallace has gone down from 26.4kg (last Tuesday) to 26kg today
  14. Wallace has been back to the vets this morning for repeat bloods and also more blood for a full thyroid panel. The normal blood tests will be ready later today but the thyroid ones have to be sent off for testing so they should be back within a few days. Wallace has gone down from 26.4kg (last Tuesday) to 26kg today. Uff.
  15. Robin, he had various physical tests but he never did the tremor in front of the neurologist so it was the video clips we had to rely on. I can't go along with the sugar idea for Maddison either because most of the time we have him a toy rather than something to eat.
  16. It's three years almost to the minute, since I had to make that final call to the vet Maddison. We got some of your favourite treats today and the dogs ate them in your memory. We've also listened to your song far too many times today. (Listen here - http://www.last.fm/music/Coldplay/_/Fix+You ) Lyrics When you try your best but you don't succeed When you get what you want but not what you need When you feel so tired but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above and down below When you're too in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And i Whoo owoo wo..aa a a a aaa Tears stream down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face And i Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Remembering you as always Maddison - 22nd May 2001 - 13th July 2005 (lost to bone cancer) Click here to see Maddisons video montage, with sound http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_...tm_medium=image
  17. That looks exactly like what Angel Maddison used to have. You may have seen his clips before but just in case, here they are:- http://www.my-shops.net/videos/maddisontremor280104.wmv http://www.my-shops.net/videos/maddiheadtremormuted.wmv I do beleive that Maddisons tremors were linked to Frontline use. His could also be stopped (or interupted) by throwing him a toy to play with. He saw a neurologist who diagnosed idiopathic epilepsy and no treatment was given because Maddison was never distressed by his episodes and the they declined in frequency over the years.
  18. Sorry - I really thought I had updated. I think it's my age As you know, I dug out the greyhound health info and had a chat with the vet about it. She was aware that greyhounds can have different levels of various things but she wasn't aware of the exact figures and she was very pleased that I gave her all the information (so thanks again Dr Bill ) I also talked to her about the fact that Lisa73's Rodney (Wallaces litter mate - who sadly went to the Bridge last week) was hyperthyroid. This may well tie in with some of Wallaces symptoms (weight loss and tremors for example). So, this coming Tuesday, Wallace is going to have his thyroid level tested and see what, if anything, that shows. As the vet said, with humans, we would always be asked for our family medical history but this is often not possible with animal clients! So, to have some of Rodneys medical history may be very useful indeed. Wallace seems fine in himself and doesn't seem concerned about his current health issues so thats good Thanks for checking on him!
  19. It really depends on how active and mobile the dog is. If the dog is really spritely, I think I would consider the amputation, seeing as how they have said the chance of spread is pretty low. But his age. Gawd. That makes it so much harder. How much longer than 13 can the average greyhound go? But when its YOUR dog, you don't care about the average greyhound and statistics of life span mean nothing to you. (I know this is your friends dog - I'm just thinking out loud really). Maybe option two would be the better option, all things considered. These decisions are always so hard
  20. I'm sorry to hear your sad news And such a terribly young dog too
  21. I'm really sorry to read that Cricket has cancer I'm going to PM you.
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