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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Same up here in New England. We have a vet school up here, and until recently two tracks. George's specialist owns Greyhounds and worked in Jacksonville patching up injured racers for her residency.
  2. Quixote has the same basical medical profille as George, down to the LS. Is he symptomatic? With the LS I mean? George got VERY snarky for a while, and then I realized it was probably from pain. Upped his Deramaxx dose and added in some Gabapentin, and my boy was back! He's now off the Gabapentin, but he's on 50 mg. daily Deramaxx and doing well. It COULD be he's just sick of his kibble. We've always had dogs that would eat pretty much anything so I don't muck around with add ins. And if he's eating his treats, it's probably not a lack of appetite, which is good!
  3. I'm rather surprised no one asked if you've taken a stool sample to the vet yet! I see you say his BLOODWORK was clean, but any newly adopted dog, IMHO, should have a work up of stool, urine, and blood, if for no other reason that to get baseline measurements. My dog had chronic soft poo in foster care, and his foster home did nothing about it. In my case, I HAD to change foods on day one, because I discovered the bag of food she had been feeding him was full of mold. Anyway, fast forward, two months later, still has soft stools. A couple of courses of Panacur-D and it cleared up. He had several totally negative fecals--and it may be coincidence, but I doubt it!
  4. That's the first thing that I thought too. Rodents in the house she's seeing and you're not. Look everywhere for droppings--but also take her to the vet. Could be a vision problem, could be something worse.
  5. I'm pretty sure the airline won't allow you to leave a harness on him on the plane. You'll have to check. The WWW harness in and of itself is just a harness with about 1.5 inches of martingale "action" on the back. I only use it with a plain old leash. I'm sure it would work just fine. The only thing that you need to worry about is the dog getting away from you.
  6. You're over thinking this! Feed him whenever it's convenient.
  7. This is a tough situation, and if you read your own original post, you stated you were afraid she would "rip his throat out." I'm a bit baffled that you would prefer to come home to that then any potential muzzle damage?.
  8. What Kennel Mom and Batmom said. Are you SURE he ate the whole thing?
  9. Deep breath, relax! It's just a needle, and it won't hurt her. If you can be calm, it should be no big deal at all. Remember, you're doing it to make her (him?) feel better, and it WON'T HURT! You can do it!
  10. My folks had an English Setter who had chronic troubles, and he just stayed on Flagyl for the last few years. It kept him in pretty good shape. If Jimmy is doing well on the meds, you might ask the vet if he can stay on them a bit longer with no ill effects? Bless your heart for adopting an 11 year old!
  11. Right. No big deal. George did the GSOD once when the leash wrapped around his ankle. Drama queen!
  12. That's twice a week more often than my dog socializes. Some dogs are just whiners. My father's late dog, Davy, whined all the time. Drove me out of my mind! Please try to remember he's not a person, and try not to ascribe how you might feel about a situation to him. Sounds to me a little like that's what you're doing.
  13. GeorgeofNE


    Oh, I'm so sorry. Rest in peace Greta.
  14. You're assuming this is anxiety; to me, after 16 months home, it's more likely boredom. How much exercise is she getting? I'd suggest trying to do a better job of dog proofing and upping the exercise as much as possible before you leave her.
  15. A vet who is at all greyhound savvy would insist on x-rays for a limp that didn't resolve on it's own quickly. And I agree; you don't need to run off to a specialist. A simple x-ray can be read by any competent vet. All dogs have bones, after all! If your vet is UNSURE once the films are taken, it would be something to consider sending them off to a specialist, but one thing at a time.
  16. I give it year round--the recommendation USED to be that you only use it in the warmer months, but now, around here, they suggest year round. It is a lot cheaper to do that than treat heartworm--although I was shocked at George's last visit when one of the vets at the clinic suggested that because of his age, I could discontinue entirely if I felt like it.
  17. Just a note: if it WAS a behavioral thing--I don't believe a dog would learn something like that from watching another dog drink a lot. She's not a second grader who is likely to copy something she saw. I'm glad your vet rechecked the urine. Drinking too much sometimes happens with dogs who are new in the home, but it isn't something that typically starts after six months in a home. Hope she's feeling better soon!
  18. I don't use canned food. Anything new you give a dog has the potential to cause temporary (or constant!) soft stool. Your best bet is to find something that works well and stick with it.
  19. I had to move George's paws, one by one, up the three flights of emergency stairs in my old condo (he HAD to learn them; we had tons of false fire alarms, and I wasn't about to ignore the alarms (you never know!) or leave him behind). It was agonizing for me. Three flights. Paw by paw, over and over and over. Noithing else worked. I used a helper. I used stinky treats. I used all his favorite foods. He would not do it. So I had to. One day I decided we had to try going down--imagine my shock when he delicately traipsed down them like a princess! All three flights without a pause or a problem. It did take me three weeks to teach him to go UP. When we moved to a condo with no elevator, he learned the stairs here really quickly--he just followed the moving men right up the first day! Of course the stairs here have carpet, and the other ones were metal (black and shiny too).
  20. George is starving to death all the time. According to him anyway! Weather makes no difference for him.
  21. My dog gets the exact same walk in the winter that he does in the summer. I'd be too afraid that his leg would slip and he'd injur himself.
  22. I've had George for four years and I've never cleaned his ears. I don't think it's a routine thing you need to do if your dog has healthy ears. He has no odor, no discharge, nothing.
  23. GreyKarma here on GT has been working with me to create a George approved belly band! She's gotten a great design going; I adore Kerry at NoNudeHounds, but the GreyKarma belly band is superior. You do need a Serenity Ultra pad in it-- George gives it 4 paws up! Hi Dr. F! By the way--George is now 20+ weeks accident free! Better living through chemicals!!
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