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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. He's been on it for multiple years without a retest? That's unbelievable. When my dog went on it (my non-Grey) they tested him multiple times in the first few months to get the level correct, and then annually.
  2. Suggest you purchase a book such as "The Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook" for future reference. Everyone who owns pets really needs to know the fundamentals of home health treatments for situations such as this.
  3. You're assuming it's a food allergy--but it could be ANYTHING. My brother had a dog that was allergic to GRASS. I've heard iffy things about the allergy testing--but since you've seen a dermatologist already, and that's what he recommends, I'd go for it. Poor dog! My last dog had HORRIBLE allergies--they were seasonal, but as he got older, they got worse and worse and worse until they were 11 months of the year. It was a nightmare for both of us--and he was such a saint about it all!
  4. Oh Judy, no! How awful. That poor boy. Thank God you were able to release him from his pain. Run free handsome Saint.
  5. Uhm, she actually IS showing "signs of a UTI" by peeing right in front of you in the house! Take a urine sample in.
  6. I wouldn't give him the melatonin. This is a behavioral issue. Just ignore him and he'll stop.
  7. I would pay to be able to sleep until 7 AM! I'm lucky if we make it to 5.
  8. This is one of those DOG questions that really isn't specific to greyhounds--and yes, neutered males AND females will mount dogs of either sex. It's said to be a dominance display by "experts."
  9. I have a set of those boots--for my old dog (he had foot surgery and I had to keep his foot clean). They never bothered him a bit. I guess his skin was just tough enough! I bet the baby sock would work! Great idea.
  10. I buy my dog food online. Have you considered that? www.petfooddirect.com
  11. Just want to say it one more time--don't assume it's a muscle ache if it's still there in a few days. Greyhound limps that have no ready explanation need to be taken seriously.
  12. I'm sure they're playing, but I know someone who had an IG break a leg just hopping off a piece of furniture, so I'd be very cautious letting one play with a 70 or so pound dog.
  13. One of the problems is that vets will often shave the tip to "get a good look." That makes it more vulnerable, and there is less for bandages to stick to! I had great luck with my own home cooked bandage protocol. Buy yourself BOXES of those knee-sized Band-Aides. Wrap one Band-Aid around the tip of the tail (like TP on a roll) and a second one goes over the tip in the other direction (this won't look very tidy--but you don't get points for pretty!). Then use white waterproof super sticky first aide tape, and do a couple of wraps at the top of the band-aides, making sure to catch some fur in the sticky part. Over the whole thing, a light coat of vet wrap, again making sure to catch as much fur as you can in the vet wrap. That should stay on for at least two days if it stays dry. I believe that less is more; the more weight you add to the tip of the tail via a bandage, the more inclined it is to fly off when the tail wags!
  14. None. If you really feel you need to brush, just use the brush.
  15. Yes, you're over reacting. I can't imagine the odds of someone owning two dogs of totally different breeds both developing Cushings! Obviously it's not impossible--but a couple of accidents is not enough to leap to Cushings!
  16. I dealt with it for 16 weeks with my last dog, not a Greyhound. It was rough. Then he had MAJOR orthopedic surgery anyway, so the vet chopped off two inches for me. Just a trim, really. And he wrapped the extra skin over the tip. He never had a problem again. When I got my Greyhound, he also had happy tail. Two months of diligent bandage changes and such, and he was right as rain. My vet wouldn't even CONSIDER amputating, even a little bit, until we had tried all other options. I'm glad I did it too. I never would have known the tip of his tail is white! He's had one minor incident in the last four years. The effort put into healing the tail was really worth it for us.
  17. It's not strange behavior. She's upset because you're upset, and she no doubt misses your other dog too. Sounds like she's giving you a pretty clear message that she needs her space right now. Just let her be. She'll come to you when she's ready. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  18. Exactly. That's just dog behavior. Has nothing to do with having at some point had puppies.
  19. Ascriptin is good; it's asprin buffered with something to protect the stomach. If the pain keeps up, I'd ask him to do an x-ray.
  20. His skin is probably dry from the winter weather, heat in the house, etc. I'd lay off the brushing for now. Do you supplement his food at all with fish oil? That can help improve the skin.
  21. I'd put the crate in my room, if I were you, and close him in the bedroom with you. I'd guess he probably IS telling you he needs to go out, but you can't hear him. He needs to be set up for success, and the only way to do that, short of using the crate, is to keep him in the bedroom with you. I'd also consider taking him out on a leash, and making sure he goes SEVERAL times before bedtime. If you're just opening the door and letting him out, he may be more interested in sniffing, etc., than relieving himself.
  22. The legs are sold at a halal butcher's, so mostly catering for our local Muslim community. I think goat is also used in some traditional Caribbean dishes. I've eaten kid/goat meat myself, in North Africa - good flavour, if not too old and stringy. These legs I should think are intended for boiling up for stock/stew, as there is not much meat on them! Daisydoodle, that's a good point about the lungworm - thank you, I will check that out. Anyone got any advice on the 'weightbearing' aspect? Thanks. Had no idea what a halal butcher was! Learn something new every day.
  23. I believe they can get parasites from eating rabbit poop. At least our female dog, who was a devoted rabbit poo eater, was frequently afflicted with coccidia. I just confirmed via Google that yes, dogs can get coccidia from rabbit poop. You want to prevent her from doing this is you can. Try a muzzle with a stool guard.
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