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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Zeus was surely a stunning and well-loved boy! And he had the coolest name. I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. :
  2. Shane has been on a grain-free diet for two years. His recent bloodwork has been fine except for the creatinine at 2.1, and nobody gets excited about that in a GH, though we keep an eye on it. Why is a first-in-the-morning urine sample contraindicated if there's infection? And why is Zema, or other dogs, ineligible for incontinence meds? It'd be a big help to hear more from you about these areas! Thanks! Any idea what other type of urine test that was? I didn't know there was more than one kind. I'm not 100% positive about this, but I think we did a C&S with the problem two years ago, it didn't show anything. But we gave him a/b anyway because other GTers had had the same experience (where the C&S wasn't positive but a/b treatment cleared it up). Which is not to say we won't do another C&S, but...
  3. Shane has urine leaking again. We treated him for two weeks with a/b and the leakage mostly stopped. It started again as soon as the a/b stopped, so we treated him with the same a/b for three more weeks. Stopped the a/b two days ago and he started leaking again yesterday. (The leaking didn't totally stop with the a/b, but it was 95% reduced.) The urine sample had looked good enough, and we didn't have it cultured. This happened 2 years ago or so also. At that time the vet wanted to put him on whatever medicine you use when they're leaking because of old age. He was only 5! I declined to do that. I think we used an a/b for two weeks then and also started him on rehmannia since his creatinine was 2.1 and specific gravity was iffy. There was improvement in both those numbers over a few months, and the urine leakage totally stopped. Until now. Any ideas? We have a vet appointment tomorrow, and I'd like to go in with some ideas other than putting him on that medicine, which I seem to recall has some side effects? (My vet respects the experiences that GTers share, so she also would like to hear, I'm sure, whatever you guys can suggest.) (I'll just add that we stopped the rehmannia some months back, as he didn't seem to need it anymore. I just ordered more and started it on him again last week, but it'll probably take time to see any effect from it.) Oh yeah, and we did treat him for Babesia canis two months ago. Many thanks, Mary
  4. So, as long as this thread has been addressed again now, how IS red doing? Are you still out there, Valeria?
  5. greyhead

    Nike Is Gone

    I'm so very sorry! And what an awful sudden shock. :grouphug
  6. Farewell to a beautiful being, inside and out.
  7. I'm totally with you on this! OP should be able to get those images on CD to take home, right? (Our vet routinely gives people CD's of x-rays.) I'd really love to see if that stick was invisible or if it was situated so as to be mistaken for something structural in the body. Other than that, I'm speechless. But I should at least try to express how very, very sorry I am that Manny and his people have been through this awful ordeal! And I hope -- that's not a strong enough word for this -- that Manny continues to improve.
  8. As to poop production implications of acid reducers, Pepcid slows things down, Zantac speeds them up. Sounds like you need Pepcid for this dog at this time. It's not that one's better than the other; it's all relative to what the problem is. ETA: It's not a really *big* effect, you understand. It's just a tendency in one direction or the other as a very mild side effect of these two meds.
  9. Gosh, what a lovely and loving tribute. I'm so very sorry Sterling had to leave but glad he went peacefully with your help.
  10. greyhead

    My Sweet Lucy

    I'm devastated. Can only imagine how you feel. You've been through so much with sweet Lucy, now please take care of yourself. I couldn't be sorrier.
  11. greyhead


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. Shadrach had a wonderful life with you, from puppyhood on. I'm so very sorry for your great loss.
  13. I'm very sorry for this and your other recent losses. I hope you're tough. But even the tough need hugs Thanks for the amazing tribute and pictures. I feel like I know Tally; and it's an honor!
  14. Beautiful Likky and a long and wonderful life with you. And never boring, apparently! That hole in your heart must be huge, and I'm so sorry.
  15. Judy expressed my feelings exactly. Thanks for sharing with us the spirit of this great lab.
  16. Hi Elizabeth! DH and I are very connected to your area, though we live in Seattle now. His folks live in Red Feather Lakes. We love your username! Welcome to GT.
  17. Eeesh, I'm so sorry! But I second sending the x-rays to Dr. Couto just in case. Try to feel the love, hon; there's lots of it here for you and between you and Whitey. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
  18. greyhead


    Thank you for giving a dignified and peaceful end to the handsome hound whose name, among other things, will never be forgotten.
  19. I'm sorry for this huge loss. But I can only thank you for writing such a beautiful tribute that it made me feel good! About her wonderful life with you and how much you loved each other!
  20. Poor Plummer! What a lot to endure. Glad you caught the hookworm, and he's definitely in our thoughts and prayers for his toesie.
  21. You're in our thoughts and prayers. I know this is very hard on both you and Soldi. Hoping the bloodwork reveals something you can work with.
  22. Amy, I'm so glad you had a heart dog and so sorry he had to leave. Aristotle sounds wonderful. No wonder his memory lives on.
  23. Spencer had mild seizures before he was diagnosed and treated for hypothyroidism. Never had another one after that. Hope it's that simple for Hero! So glad to hear he's doing better and that you're looking into the cause. Spencer sends hugs!
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