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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. An internist told us that pred can cause weight loss, despite the increased appetite. Our dog lost several pounds in just a few days before she took him off of it. So if your vet is looking to see if that's the right class of drug before changing to a different kind than pred, I'd give him the report as fast as possible!
  2. Doesn't seem to be sore or painful, but he doesn't like me to mess with it either. I notice he never licks at it. I don't know anything about histiocytoma, but it sounds like an allergic response is involved. Puzzlement we have in abundance. Thanks, everybody, for your observations and suggestions. Haven't heard anything from the vet yet.
  3. I have no idea, hon, but I'm so sorry Barney and you are going through this. Ask the vet what the expectation is. Probably varies with the dog, too. But I'm glad there's a fix and that you're having it done!
  4. I think when vets get savvy about greyhounds, they stop finding this kind of thing surprising. Spencer's first vet was surprised because we don't have hooks "in our area." Well, he's not from our area! (Seattle) ETA: Do the monthly worming for sure. We use Interceptor. Even at that we have to use Drontal-Plus annually when he has a resurgence. Hooks encyst themselves, in the body and in the soil, and hatch when they feel like it. It's very hard, if not impossible, to be permanently rid of them. Oh, and Iams Large Breed worked very well for Spencer for a long time after he was first treated for hooks.
  5. The vet thought about doing a scraping but decided against it. I told her I'd applied Polysporin, but she just shrugged. (It hadn't done much but make it redder.) He had just come off five weeks of an a/b for a possible UTI, not that it would've been the right one for something like this. I've emailed the vet with my observations and am waiting to hear back; today's a surgery day for her. Meanwhile, I figured it couldn't hurt to have that clay powder on the way. Maybe I'll try the polysporin again and see what happens.
  6. Thanks for the good update! It's not over, though, so continued prayers coming Yoko's way.
  7. And it's not cheap, is it! Oh, I take that back; the 8 oz. size is very affordable! Funny, that's the site I picked to look at from the list presented by Google. Maybe cuz I used to live in WY. Seriously, though, is it too late (3 weeks) for it to be effective? ETA: Just ordered some. What lovely people.
  8. What a beautiful girl! I'm so very sorry she's gone. It sounds like you gave her a wonderful home.
  9. thanks so much! Can I get this without a prescription?
  10. Where can I get this? Lots of things pop up when you Google it, including pescalite powders from Wyoming. Some are mixed with other substances. Many thanks for your help!
  11. Any idea what this could be? It varies in angriness but isn't going away. Has been there over two weeks. Vet put him on low-dose pred last Saturday, with the idea that it could be vasculitis. It's not getting better. Yesterday seemed darker around the perimeter and lighter in the middle. Just last night he started panting and breathing fast. That only lasted about an hour. Overall he has been depressed and not walking well (i.e., slow, short distance, which isn't totally unusual for him). I'm wondering if pred is not helping and maybe hurting his recovery if it's something like a spider bite. Thanks for any help.
  12. Sounds very much like the way Spencer was shortly after arriving in 2005. Turned out to be hookworm; however, it took nine months to find that out because the first two fecals were negative. Finally, in deperation, we went to another vet; his fecal found that he was "loaded" with hookworm. Moral: a negative fecal doesn't mean there are no worms. It just means the worms are not shedding eggs that day. Now, I'd test once a week for a month. I saw pictures at the vet's office of the channels hookworms dig into the intestinal walls. Each worm has six teeth and bites. We discovered then, btw, that he can't handle white rice. Spencer later turned up with intestinal malabsorption, then a very nasty bacterial infection in the small intestine, and finally IBD. Sounds like your pup may have malabsorption too. So don't let this go. It gets more serious over time. And write this on your palm if necessary: A negative fecal doesn't mean much of anything. Good luck.
  13. I'm sorry it was his time, tough little thing.
  14. Please update when you can and let us know how it's going.
  15. Something about us thyroid critters...we HATE cold water! I even hate the cold I feel after a warm shower or bath, before I get toweled off and dry!
  16. It's wonderful and amazing that now the problem is corns! I have to ask, though, how do you discover corns if they're growing inward?
  17. Works amazingly on their pads anyway, for us. Haven't tried it anywhere else. We apply generously and rub in well, while they're resting and relaxed.
  18. Yay for Sophie! Good news about the concentrated urine too. (Shane is staying more dry on the milk and Bladder Support too, even with the prednisone!) When we gave Shane the Proin, he was doing a lot of staring and statue-ing. He was sleeping at the foot of the stairs at night, which is as close to us as the dogs ever get at night, and indicated to me that he felt insecure. I can't remember what else he was doing that concerned me, but I got the very definite overall impression that he was not reacting well at all. So after the second day, we discontinued it. DH and I both work at home and can observe; if that weren't the case, based on the stories of others, I doubt we would have even given the Proin a trial. I'm not trying to influence you, actually. I don't know what your work situation is. A person in our situation could more easily justify trying the Proin than someone who is away a lot, I think. So I'm just reporting what happened to us, for whatever you can make of it.
  19. Spencer got 500 mg when his weight was between 72 and 83 lbs. (And I'm an idiot because, unlike what I said before, it *was* L-glutamine he was getting, not glutamate.)
  20. The clear pee might not be a good sign kidneywise. Shane has been peeing buckets but it's normal color, so his kidneys are able to concentrate it. Don't know whether any of the herbal side effects would be especially bad for your foster. All our herbals have been vet-recommended, but that's not much help to your individual case. For whatever it's worth, I'm so sorry you're having this trouble.
  21. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing your lovely memories of a truly special boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  22. No, this doesn't sound like what I was talking about. How very frustrating this must be! One wonders if allergies are involved at some level. Some recommend removing all grains if not all carbs from the diet. Hope someone happens along that can help! ahicks51, where are you?!
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