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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. My memory is not always my strongest feature. But as I recall, our vet phoned or faxed the script to them, and subsequent ordering of refills (which the vet provided for, for a year) is done by me. They always send it out right away too.
  2. Just adding our prayers and good thoughts. We have a dog with IBD, lymphangectasia and inability to absorb Vit. D through the gut (so he gets B12 injections under the skin -- easy to give at home). He also had a very bad bacterial infection of the small intestines. It was quite a haul to diagnose and correct everything. He lost 20 lbs and lots of muscle. But he regained 14 lbs over the last 6 months after switching to venison, some of it raw, and taking metronidazole, budesonide and tylosin daily. It doesn't sound like our pups have all that much in common diagnostically, but many of us on GT have been through this type of problem. My dog is only alive thanks to the help we got on GT and an open-minded vet. We're all here for you so keep us posted, okay? Mary
  3. We get our budesonide from a compounding pharmacy in the 2 mg. dose: Roadrunner Pharmacy, Phoenix, AZ (877)518-4589. Seems like 30 capsules is about $36. They overnight your first order at no charge!
  4. We have some dark, thick nails here. Using a strong flashlight from behind, I can avoid the quick okay. But the thickness makes them resistant, and Spencer squeals and tries to pull his paw away when the nail cutters squeeze down on the nail. I'm thinking pre-soaking will help a lot. But I don't know how to do it without making him stand in a tub. Is there an easier, not-too-sloppy way to accomplish the same thing? Wish I could find the Dremel or afford a new one, but i can't. Thanks for any suggestions.
  5. Spencer does this too and it's not a growl. Our adoption counselor told us it's one of the greyhound vocalizations and it corresponds to a purr. (Like rooing and chattering, not all greyhounds do it.) But he has learned not to do it when meeting a new dog! I know it's disconcerting. If he ever does do a real growl, you'll hear the difference. But it's a subtle one. Let the body language be your guide, I'd say.
  6. I'm so very sorry. You're doing the kindest and hardest thing in setting him free.
  7. This is truly awful. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  8. Well SHAZAMM! (Sorry, couldn't resist. ) That is great news and it's delightful to hear!
  9. A 3-day stool sample sounds to me like they're looking for blood and maybe fat content. As long as you're taking samples, you might consider bacterial testing of one also. He could have a SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. You may have to request this type of testing, however. (I had to ask three times before it was done because everybody was preoccupied with the idea of worms.) There are a lot of things that your pup could have. Our Spencer, for instance, had intestinal malabsorption, SIBO, and finally IBD. I could go on forever about that but it might not even be relevant! You're doing a great job of jumping on this problem! Let us know how things go. People here really do care.
  10. I've been quietly lurking through your thread. Still hoping for the best for Pearl and for you. Just thought I'd say so out loud this time.
  11. For your friend: Just now seeing this. I do believe lymphangectasia is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself. But it may be indicative of a disease that you need to discover. We saw this condition on Spencer's ultrasound after we diagnosed his SIBO through a poop test. He lost 20 pounds through the ordeal. Based on such structural changes as lymphangectasia seen on ultrasound and on his behavioral symptoms, moderate to severe IBD was diagnosed. So to me it sounds like you need a better diagnosis if you want to put weight on your pup. (We switched to raw, then eliminated chicken and beef, give an immunosuppressant and two antibiotics, and B-12 injections.) I could say lots more about what tests to perform and what to look for, but I'll let it at this for now. Somebody let me know if more help is needed. Mary
  12. Yes, cheeseburgers, fries, and sunshine is definitely the way to go! And she had a wonderful life with a greyt mom. I'm so sorry.
  13. Wow, "sorry" doesn't quite cover it, Donna. But it's all I've got. That and warm wishes that you and Apollo can enjoy the time he has left.
  14. His blood pressure should be checked ASAP. When it gets too high, it causes retinal detachment, which causes loss of depth perception and the kind of behavior you're describing. My experience here is with cats; when the retinas detach, one only has about two days to lower the BP if there's to be any hope of the retinas correcting naturally.
  15. As a teenager I found that using Tide gave me red bumps. Now I use All Free & Clear or a scent-free oganic product. I get scent-free for the sake of the dogs, as well, and avoid fabric softener. Imagine how strong those perfumes must be to a dog. I know of people with allergies who use Dreft, and they make it in liquid form too now. I think your suspicions are sound and this is a good appoach to take. Good luck!
  16. I'm so sorry. Savor every minute of the time you have left. Love and gentle hugs to you both.
  17. I'm sorry things aren't clarified yet, hon. You've done everything you can for now. Your pup's not in any pain, right? So Tuesday isn't that far away, and I'd suggest you sit tight until you hear back from Dr. Couto. Please know we're thinking about you and supporting you meanwhile, however invisibly! And I can't tell you why but I feel like it's all going to be okay. Sticking my neck out in public here! Hope it helps a little!
  18. Sounds like a good plan. Hope you'll let us know what they think. But we have to wait until Tuesday, right? Continued good thoughts for healing.
  19. He was a great racer and a handsome boy. So sorry for your loss.
  20. Many continued good thoughts for you and sweet Tess!
  21. So very sorry, Emily. Run free, Riley.
  22. I wonder if applying some cold packs would help? Using a thin tea towel so it's not too cold.
  23. Just catching back up to Wilbur. So very glad to see this terrific update! You show 'em, Wilbur!
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