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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I buried Topaz and regret it. Because I know I will eventually move and she can't come with me. But Brindle was cremated and her cremains stored away. I didn't need to put it out on display or memorialize it. I just need to have her ashes spread with mine when I go. I too want to be cremated. All my girls now will also be cremated and their ashes scattered with mine.
  2. I remember that too. I don't know how I could get past it. It wasn't your fault, you didn't administer the wrong dose. While I'm not a litigious type, what about suing for malpractice, then donating the award to something greyhoundie that would make you feel better? I really wish I could offer you more than just a lawsuit idea.
  3. It's better to feed several meals over the day. He'll probably gain weight if you spread the 6 cups over 3 meals instead of two. And if you work.......do dinner then a midnight snack before you go to bed. There's at least 3-4 hours between his dinner and last meal then.
  4. Definitely get the media involved. You actually might get a lawyer pro-bono. You're not in NJ are you? We have a radio station that would take up your cause. They love to bash stupid politicians (which is who you're dealing with). What about an investigative reporter from TV? After all you are trying to save someone's child from this dog.
  5. Pearl's like that too. She take 7 different meds (a total of 18 pills a day) and some are a little hard on her tummy. So her appetite isn't always the best. She used to be a magician like her sister and made her food disappear. But over the years as we added meds, her appetite decreased. Luckily she still craves liver (which is what she gets her morning meds in) and PB, which she gets her evening meds in. She'll still eat people food too, so if I have leftovers and they gets some, I might put her meds in there instead. But she's very blah with dog food. And I change all the time.
  6. Actually a hematoma is a bruise. Did you mean hemangioma? I believe they are benign.
  7. Vets always ask me how my girls do with Baytril because it could be rough on the tummy. Also, they said Tramadol is a narcotic, so I would think that yes it could cause her to be wobbly.....but I would think lack of food might to the same too at her age.
  8. Blood pressure isn't a regular at most vets yet. In fact, my vets can't even take a BP. I have to go all the way to the cardiologists for Pearl's regular checkup. Thing is........there seems to be a lot of hypertension in dogs. I don't know why it isn't checked just like with people.
  9. Get another titre done. That will tell you if he's completely better. Sometimes it takes more than one treatment. My Diamond had ehrlichia when I wanted to adopt her, but she was too sick to adopt out. We almost lost her. We did do a titre a couple of years ago and it was low positive, something like 1:80. But she originally was 1:10,000. So, yeah, she's all better. I would put him on a tick repellent like Frontline to keep ticks off him. I live in a heavy tick area, so I tuck my white pants into my white socks and my white T shirt into my white pants and spray repellent around my ankles to keep ticks off me. I've been pulling ticks off me and the greys for 14 yrs now and I haven't picked up any tick disease (not even Lymes which is very prevalent in NJ). And none of my girls have picked up any new tick diseases.
  10. So she doesn't have GME?! Well, I'm just happy she's feeling better.
  11. VERY HIGH! BP is the same as humans. THey start to worry over 130. Go on meds over 150. Pearl had a mini stroke at that 240. That's even too high for stress at the vets. My vet was happy getting Pearl's BP down to 150 on Enalapril and norvasc. Her other BP meds are phenoxybenzamine and atenolol. (yeah, she's on a lot of meds because we can't find the cause of her hypertension and she keeps breaking thru). High BP in dogs cause the same problems in humans. (heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure). Good luck at the vets. If you need BP meds like norvasc.....Costco has them at about 1/10 the price of vets or drug stores. Worth the membership fee. Let me know if you need any more info. Mary Pat and Pearl.
  12. I lost one at 8 and one at 5. But I currently have a 13.5, two 11.5 (one with heart disease and hypertension and she still keeps going) and a young'un at 5. My vet said their expectancy in his opinion is 8. But most of the adoption groups I've been around have said 12-14.
  13. Here's praying that she does recover at a nice constant pace so as not to drive you nuts with 'relapses'. Good girl Kylie!!
  14. Perfectly normal. Greyhounds usually rest up before they take a nap. As far as eating, some are chowhounds (I have two magicians....they make food disappear) and the other two........well, let's say it's a challenge to keep giving Pearl all her meds. But it does take a little while for the personality to really come thru. And when it does.........WOW!
  15. C'mon Anne!!! Don't keep us waiting!
  16. Ditto. I don't feel pain or even discomfort if I'm out of whack, but when I ride my horse I can definitely feel more weight on one side than the other. And so does he! He responses to weight change. So if I'm not adjusted then we usually have a poor ride because he keeps wanting to go in a circle. I have my girls adjusted every other month.
  17. Now more than ever I wish I was able to go to GIG this year. I would have gone out of my way to purchase something from your table. A 3 day training course that I've tried to take for 3 years finally came to NJ. ANd yup. It's this weekend. Give Kylie a kiss for me on one of her spots.
  18. I'm so sorry there's no Rx yet. It sounds like such a minor thing, but did she have a BP taken? Did she have a stroke? I ask only because I never see you say anything about that. I have a very special place in my heart for cowgirls. C'mon Kylie, we're all pulling for you.
  19. Everything is answered except Hemolysis. That's when during the blood draw the red cells broke. So when the tube is spun down to separate the cells from the serum (or plasma) instead of the serum being a clear/clear yellowish color, it's a clear red color. Severe hemolysis could cause incorrect reading on some test. Mild to moderate usually is nothing to worry about. Sometimes hemolysis can be caused by a disease, but most often is just a result of the blood draw itself. (ps...I'm a Med Tech. I drew blood from anything as small as a mouse to as large as a horse. Then ran the tests in the lab)
  20. You go girl!!! We're behind you all the way. And my Diamond is sending your Diamond all the white light she can.
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