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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I just received the online newsletter from OSU. Here is a snippet that I think everyone will find interesting. This was an online study conducted from 2005 to 2007: The results showed that the mortality rate for Greyhounds within the 2- year period was 15% (113 of 747 died). The most common cause of death reported was cancer (66 dogs, 58%), and the most common type of cancer listed as the cause of death was osteosarcoma (28 dogs, 25%). This is total, just not mortality in those two years: Osteosarcoma was the most prevalent form of cancer reported, with a prevalence of 50% (95% CI 34.2–54.2) for dogs with cancer and 6% (95% CI 4.3–7.6) for the overall population.
  2. I SO know about expensive. I've calculated that I've spent over $50,000 in vet bills in the past 20 yrs. Anyway. CareCredit is one way to help defer costs. For big priced items (like an MRI would be), you could be a year interest free. Maybe more, maybe less (I've always had a year with my $3000 bills). There's a catch. They are after all still a credit card company. If you miss a minimum payment or can't finish paying by their "no interest" date, you get WALLOPED. (just move the balance over to a lower % card if you can't finish payment on time). That's a huge help. Now that you've gotten some help in the $ dept, you can go back to worrying about your baby. And truthfully, leave that to us. All of us here at GT can do the worrying, so that all that's left for you to do is just keep her company and love on her. Okay,......I hope you have a good update for us this morning. C'mon Gracie you can do it sweetie.
  3. I know you said they checked his teeth, but check again.The little itty bitty ones WAAAYYYYYY in the back. Pearl had an abscessed one and she was misdiagnosed with myocitis. She had this untreated abscess for months before we finally got it right.
  4. if you can afford it, ask for an ultrasound. That should put you completely at ease.
  5. Well I hope it is just a fatty tumor and that it can be easily removed. Is she coming to the US? With you? Are you moving? or visiting?
  6. His Profit cousins (Pretty Profit and Half Profit.........aka Pearl and Diamond) are sending double prayers his way.
  7. Pearl's been very picky lately (enough to start worrying me too). It's her BP/heart meds Anyway, I cook chicken livers to put her pills into. Luckily she devours those still. I put in the 'juice' and small pieces into the pan after and later when I need to get her to eat something I cook up several scrambled eggs in that pan with all the cooked pieces of liver. So the eggs are fused with liver flavor. She downs that like there's no tomorrow. She likes chicken liver over liverwurst. I hate it when they get so picky over food.
  8. Farewell Momma, yet not farewell Where I go, ye to shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  9. I'd been wondering how Diamond was doing. I'm glad she's finally on the fast track to healing. And keep going after that woman.
  10. Poor Emmy. How is she doing today? By the way, peeing in public is illegal in most places.
  11. it could be any of the above. But if it is an abscessed tooth, get it out immediately. Mouth infections lead to kidney disease, heart disease and other problems in the body.
  12. No, his blood pressure was not checked. What mg. of aspirin was Pearl on? Sometimes it is a bleed instead of a clot and in that case, the aspirin isn't the right way to go. She's on 15 mg to prevent clots to the kidney. (glomerulonephritis caused by an abscessed tooth). She stroked because of hypertension.
  13. Pearl was on aspirin when she had a stroke. What's Dylan's BP? Was it checked?
  14. I wish there was more I could do than just cyberhugs.
  15. MP_the4pack


    I still can't believe he was only 5. His personality permeates thru the photos. There's just something about the cowdoggies.........I lost my w/b girl Topaz at age 5. Ten years later she still brings tears to my eyes.
  16. I have VPI. I got it when there really wasn't much choice in pet insurance. They were FANTASTIC in the beginning, but have gotten less user friendly. I can't switch because my Pearl has severe heart disease and hypertension and they really lose a lot of money on her. But when I brought in my Brat, they wanted all her previous vet records. I thought she was healthy, didn't think anything of it, but she had gone to the vet for stitches one time and for an upset tummy another. So lacerations and gastritis are now both excluded. So even though she needed stitches 3 yrs ago, if she needs them in the future, she's not covered. And I've had to fight with them a couple of times, but I guess with the number of claims I put in, eventually there will be something that doesn't go thru cleanly. Sometimes I've been very happy with the claim paid, other times, pissed. But, with the thousands that I put out with Pearl, it's definitely been worth it. Just having insurance has afforded me the luxury of going to specialists when I want to.
  17. Care Credit is a credit card company. They still need to make money and the only way to do that is to have steeper fines when requirements aren't met. As long as you know how long your interest free loan is, make sure you pay it off (maybe with a month to spare). The minimum payment is just that. The minimum you have to pay that month. Some people know they are getting a large lump sum in several months (like a tax return), so all they need to do is the minimum, then they use the lump sum to pay it off. Others like me budgeted the same amount monthly which was way over minimum. If you can't make the final payment, switch the balance over to another credit card. It's great for large bills like $3000. I had two of those. And I was under the impression that the length of the loan without interested depended on the size of the loan. I had 12 months each to pay off both bills.
  18. I don't have any experience with greys and tumors of the mouth. But I know that basal cell carcinoma is the least hazardous cancer to get. Melanoma is the worst. Squamous is somewhere in the middle. If it hasn't spread there is a terrific chance of a full recovery.
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