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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I have a girl with hypertension. She's on norvasc and phenoxybenzamine for that and it is now under control. She's also on lasix and other meds for her bad heart. I watch her carefully for any fluid buildup. But. I did lose a grey to liver disease. Her liver enzymes were normal, which is what is usually tested for. But when they did a liver function test, the values were off the charts. She had a protein losing enteropathy. So, hopefully putting your grey on a BP med will help with the hypertension. But I would ask for a liver function (not enzyme) test. The function test is not part of the regular chemistry panel.
  2. The bulge could be a hematoma........which means you shouldn't give aspirin either. Aspirin is a mild anticoagulant. Definitely no Tylenol or Motrin or Advil. If she is okay and not in obvious pain....don't give her anything.
  3. Have you tried norvasc? My Pearl has hypertension. We have it under control now at 150. She's also on phenoxybenzamine for it. If she has tumors of the adrenal, that would cause high BP (along with numerous other reasons). Phenoxybenzamine works on that cause.
  4. Nothing like a little bit of good news to start off the new year. I hope she continues to improve.
  5. Thanks for the info. The chiropractor also does accupuncture. I'll ask her tomorrow.
  6. On Dec 1st, I took Opal into the vets to be checked because she had been 3 legged limping for over a week. They said it was her hips and that's she's too young for cancer. She went on Rimadyl (which I hate) and sent home to rest (yeah right) Dec 6th she went to the chiropractor who said her hips were way out of wack........she's rarely had anything off kilter since she's been going to the chiropractor from age 2. After her adjustment, she was terrific for 4 days then started 3 legged limping again (it's the hind left leg). I put her back on Rimadyl. On the 19th I took her for xrays. It had been at least 3 weeks, closer to 4, since she started. Even I could see the xrays were extremely clean. Beautiful bones! When we had an ice storm and that crap was on the ground for a week. She walked very carefully and stopped limping until a day or so ago and she's 3 legged again. We see the chiro tomorrow, but I'm still worried that it could be osteo since she's been limping for about 6 weeks now. Any thoughts? Oh, by the way, she isn't quiet. Like nailing jello to the wall. But would even soft tissue injury take this long? The vets are almost positive it's in the hip. I'm also thinking along that line. Mary Pat (worried about the baby in the family)
  7. Oh poor baby...........feel better Soul!
  8. Oh Susan, I just saw this. I'll keep Alan in my prayers. He's gonna come around and feel better soon. Mary Pat
  9. I'm so sorry for Ranger. but you now have scared the crap out of me. I posted yesterday that my little girl Opal (Bwat) is scaring me. This is her EXACT symptom. Her hind leg. It comes and goes. And it improves after being up and about. I guess we're going to the vets tomorrow.
  10. I remember you posting that he still had 4 legs when he had his surgery. Is he not a candidate for amputation? I'm sorry to hear such horrible news.
  11. Opal has been limping 3 legged off and on for about a month. I took her to the vets and he said it's in the hip. He seemed pleased it wasn't the cruti-whatever ligament around the knee. But I kept referring back to possible osteo. He said he didn't think it was that since she's only 4. But alas, I know of young'uns from this board that have gotten that dreaded disease. Anyway, he said it would still be too early to xray anyway. He gave us rimadyl and sent us home telling me to keep her quiet. Yeah, I can also nail jello to a tree successfully too! Luckily her chiropractor was coming into the area within a week. When we went, Dr. Lesser stated that her hip was REALLY out of whack. For 4 days after that, Bwat was doing fine. I had taken her off the rimadyl a day before the chiropractor because I didn't want to mask anything. I didn't put her back on. Then on the Wednesday after her adjustment, she went 3 legged again. She's been like this off and on for a week now. It's worse when she just gets up and seems to be able to walk out of it a little. Not completely. I think we'll get xrays. She's starting to scare me now. Other than holding up her leg, she actually doesn't seem in pain. She's running around like the idiot she is, head high, tail high........just on 3 legs. (which at least tells me that if -gasp- it is osteo, she can do 3 legs). Anyone who had rear leg osteo, did they seem more in pain just after getting up, but able to put weight on after moving around a bit?
  12. I'm sitting here trying to think of something to say other than I'm sorry....................but I can't think of anything else.
  13. Did you have a liver function test done? This is not the same as the routine liver enzyme test that we all get when blood chemistries are drawn. I lost my 5 yr old to liver disease and she had PLE.
  14. Do you take her to a chiropractor? If not, give it a try. I've brought limping dogs into see Dr. Lesser and they came out ready to run around the yard. The preds that Pearl was on 2 yrs ago made her BP skyrocket (she was already hypertensive) and she got this ugly shape about her. He muscles seemed to go to jelly. She got what looked like a beer belly. I heard that other than looks it doesn't cause problems. But I had to take her off due to her BP. Good luck.
  15. It breaks my heart even more when they go so young.
  16. Oh she's adorable! You got 16 paws crossed here. And if you find that's she's not that bad, please take care of her teeth. My Pearl had so many complications due to one abscessed tooth. Go to a dentist. It's worth the money.
  17. My Diamond had most of her teeth broken. She chewed her crate at the track. She lost 23 teeth during her dental a few years back and lost 3 of the 4 canines. She's fine without them. Her lower jaw is sliming down a little with so few teeth left, but the vet said not to worry. The bone is still strong. She has no problem eating or doing anything else. However.........Pearl had an abscessed tooth that went undiagnosed for months. (misdiagnosed). That infection lead to kidney disease which lead to uncontrolled hypertension. She's had plenty of problems from that bad tooth. Get the tooth removed.
  18. It wouldn't hurt to have a cardiologist take a look at him if you can afford it. My Pearl has heart disease and by catching it early she's outlived her prognosis of 2-3 yrs. She's now 11 and still going strong. Too many times greys just collapse and die because owners didn't know they had a heart problem. If nothing else, it'll put your mind at ease.
  19. Oh Bev, I can't believe two so close together!!!
  20. The first year is so hard with the first birthday at the bridge. The first gotcha day at the bridge. The first holiday at the bridge, the first............then the first bridge anniversary.
  21. Farewell Master, yet not farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept. God speed little girl.
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